
Thursday 1 July 2021

A letter to a hate cleric

Dear Mr Ashenden,

I'm puzzled over your attack on the Bishop of Winchester. Is it revenge for him sacking you from Jersey? And are your constant barrages against the Anglican Church the same thing? A Christian, a man of God, would have humility and honour rather than behaving like you are doing, because Jesus commanded we didn't judge. So surely the many hours you spend as jealous little brother to the Anglican church could be spent on your ministry and repairing your own reputation and the damage you're doing to our church? 

The Queen asked you to resign your 'Chaplain to the Queen' volunteering role in her Chapel, which was basically unconnected to her, as that title was published with your every public attack on vulnerable people and groups, for example Muslim people, LGBTQ+ groups, the disabled etc. Her Majesty was embarrassed and asked you to resign rather than be dismissed, to save her further embarrassment and yet your former title is still used when you rant. Her Majesty still suffers you because you were a volunteer in her Chapel once. 

On the subject of the Queen, she's the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. I understand that you've publicly said that female priests are 'just playing dress-up' basically a testimony to your misogyny, and yet, two of the closest and most important figures in the human life, two of His Ministers and witnesses , Mary and Martha, were female, and Jesus said we are all one in Him. You changed suddenly when your first wife left you, is your misogyny caused by that. The Queen is supreme governor of the Church of England, the High Priest, did you accuse her of playing dress-up and being fake?

You joined the Catholic Church purely out of mysoginy and chauvinism, dark ages ignorance and prejudice and not the Love of Christ. You do a disservice to us by representing us this way and you should have been on probation for a number of years before being allowed to join us, to ensure you were genuine and repentant, and you have been neither. 

I am sure you're aware of the damage the reawakening of the story of your abuse of power in the Channel Islands is doing to the families and friends of the dead victims, Bob Hill and HG. You contributed to their deaths by abusing your power and position in Jersey to attack HG publicly and with lies about her and her case. 
You showed your ignorance of Jesus' Lesson 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone' and your tirade against all vulnerable groups and the Bishop of Winchester repeat that ignorance. 

In Jersey you abused your clergy, law, public speaking roles to mislead the general public and to liaise with conflicted investigator Heather Steel in what was basically an outright murder bid, to drive the victim to death. Dakin, who enabled that whole farce, did the same as the Queen and asked you to go. More because you embarrassed him than that you took part in attempted murder by public destruction of a vulnerable adult. 

You appear to see yourself as a cult icon, drawing in others who see your form of faith as a way to forget their own sin by judgement of others and select passages of the Bible as weapons while missing the point of the Gospel message. 

Maybe Tim Dakin, with a convenient extra 9 weeks' holiday designed to bring him back as 'education Bishop' - sic, in the autumn, could write a biography of your career? Here's a precis. You're a divorcee, is Dakin? You're on your second marriage, what does the Catholic Church state through you? You left your career in law for  some reason. Why? Asked to leave? You were chaplain at the University until an incident, and your wife left you and you subsequently went from being a good chaplain to being a hater of anyone who you saw as less than you, women the disabled, members of other faiths etc. When you stand before God, you will have to explain that. He will ask who set you up against these people? Jesus taught against all that you do, Whose Name do you act for and why have you created a discipleship of ignorance and Hate? 

You turned up in Jersey, abusing your position and harassing an abuse victim who you'd never met and publishing slander and lies, at the same time, you would go to Coutances and harass the disabled vicar there, undermining him. How do you stand before God? Until you account for these evils you cannot officiate. 

Effectively Sacked from Jersey and your Queens chaplain position you were then banned from twitter for your hateful behaviour but like most trolls, you soon got a new account. 

You made the world laugh when you were made Bishop of a teeny cult, leaving you lording it over a fraction of the congregation than an Anglican parish has. As one disgruntled Anglican in Jersey put it, you had less people to shepherd than an Anglican curate. 

That didn't last long and to the horror of genuine Catholic people, you waltzed in, presumably your pseudo celebrity status opened doors, and you continue your terrible behaviour. The Catholic Church don't tend to dismiss abusive priests and their safeguarding record is appalling, is that what drew you to the Catholic Church after your career? Or the tradition of male priests made you feel safe in your inadequacy? What if all the women keeping incessant the Catholic Church running decided to leave because of men like you? 
You should have been under a long probation before being allowed to join our church, because of your record. As it is, your continued behaviour undermines our Church. 

I understand that you are jealous of the Bishop of Winchester and Anglican Bishops because you were never promoted, but you should have the wisdom and humility to know that they weren't promoted as better people, and the incessant nonsense press releases aren't actually Anglican condonement of the vulnerable, it is a mixture of misguided attempts to be in step with the general public and the government forcing the church to conform to modern standards. 

The Anglican church hates vulnerable groups as much as you do but aren't allowed to express it freely as you do because they are already repulsive enough to the general public and unjustly linked to the government.Jesus' teachings focus around conduct, and he made it very clear that we weren't to judge others, He's the judge, not you. Leave the Anglicans with their self-destruction and the Christians will continue to desert them for gospel preaching churches, your input isn't needed, spend that time with The Lord and repent. 

What others do or how they live isn't your business for you to publicly attack nor does the Bible condone spite against them, if you disapprove of others, do so in silence and humility, remembering your own sins. Each person makes their own decisions and you will never control them, you make yourself unhappy by trying. 
Your work while you are in ministry - albeit seriously compromised ministry, is to minister to the congregation and represent The Lord. So why dont you repent and do that? 

Making yourself into an ignorant leader of disciples of hatred and a pseudo celebrity for your own sake is nothing to do with Christianity. Leave equally bad men such as Dakin to God's judgement, and judge He will, Dakin is worse than you preach him to be, he deliberately caused death so leave him to his punishment and stop stirring further attacks on his and your victim. Your advocating for Anglican abuse victims is ludicrous after your part in that and is a reported safeguarding breach. Although as you know, no safeguarding is yet in place in the Anglican church and won't be unless the senior clergy all take their leave and the government regulates the church efficiently. 

The Anglican church is none of your business either for attention seeking or spiteful revenge. If you remain in our church you need to repent and focus on your role as a priest you can't currently take communion legitimately in the Catholic Church so how can you be a Deacon and distribute it? You are a guest who was graciously admitted to Catholicism despite your history and you are a badly behaved guest who true Catholics wouldn't take communion from. Act with grace in return for my church's grace to you. 

Author C. S. Lewis described a creature called 'Tashlan' designed to deceive, and each time your works and words are broadcast at the expense of human lives and feelings by idiots, I am reminded of Tashlan, the words and works of the devil, disguised as those from Jesus. 

It is normal for the daily fail to publish your attention seeking, they are not a newspaper really, they publish Justin Welbys bizarre efforts at superstardom too, you and he are very alike, neither seeing Chist as important in the church , maybe it's time for you two to start a breakaway church while the Anglicans pick up the pieces from his reign?

The Hampshire Chronicle have always seen investigating before publishing as irrelevant. 'Thinking Anglicans' don't think, they're bored unemployed people with a strange form of Stockholm syndrome in that they remain in the church but attack it blindly through narrow vision, they aided you in attacking the Jersey victim just out of ignorance and boredom and the weight of a ludicrous amateur and biased report. They have stockholm syndrome victims who cling to the blog in the comments section and try to be resident experts on abuse, an odd comedy. 
They publish your Tashlan scripts such as your attack on Dakin. But not even a summary of your own bizarre career. Stephen Parsons blog is the same, he claims to advocate for abuse victims in the church but bizarrely he published your attack on Dakin but not the story of the Jersey and Winchester victim. It speaks volumes about his motives for blogging. Apart from the Stockholm syndromes who live on his blog comments, his advocating for an abuser of victims and silence on the biggest travesty since the Peter Ball case indicates that his work, admittedly carried out through blind and narrow Anglican eyes, isnt genuinely about victims.

There are thousands of abuse victims harmed by rouges in the Anglican church. You, as a man who attacked a victim without grounds, publicly and without interviewing her or having permission to raise the case, are essentially an abuser, certainly not in a position to pretend to advocate for victims, whether out of voyeurism or spite, and anyone upholding you and your version of the Jersey and Winchester whitewash is upholding and furthering abuse. But who knows, raising it again could bring posthumous justice or even see you prosecuted. 
Your team partner in that farce, Dakin, did indeed dismiss clergy unfairly but your and Bob Key's removals (under all those NDAs for Bob ) were just, you abused a vulnerable adult publicly and cruelly and with lies, without giving your victim a platform to respond, and you deliberately comprised an investigation - albeit a ridiculous parody investigation. You and Dakin are like two peas in a pod. You should be friends with him rather than let jealousy get in the way. Will he now do an appraisal of your career? 


John Carter 

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