Tuesday 20 October 2020

A letter to the House of Lords

 Dear House of Lords, 

This is a serious formal complaint.

Several weeks ago, the IICSA report on the Church of England was published. 
The Church of England's response was pitiful. Following the advice of their disaster management firm, Luther-Pendragon, the Archbishops released a 'joint' 'apology' BEFORE the release of the report, making a mockery of the report and the victims. 

The release of the report led to victims being further harmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop of Manchester carrying out glib and misleading interviews about safeguarding, when both men are guilty of cover-up and harming abuse victims and neither are able to respond well to victims. Indeed the Bishop of Manchester is still unable to respond to my safeguarding complaint and as for Justin Welby, hubris is his middle name, he is guilty of serious harm to abuse victims by his active part in cover-ups.

The Church of England's disaster management firm have decided that once the IICSA report was firmly sat upon with all the fake weeping and wailing and characteristic fake sorrow that Welby and his church are known best for and which enrages victims, it is time for business as usual the Church of England way. Find out what public feeling is and try to use it to curry favour for the Church of England. At the expense of all the victims left distressed by the Church of England's response to the IICSA report.

So this week the Church finds everything they can to try to gain favour. John Sentamu, who covered up for abusers and rapists and denied their victims, is carrying out an unchristian act of demanding a seat in the House of Lords and trying to play the race card. His harm to abuse victims should make him so ashamed of himself that he should be keeping his mouth firmly shut, but the Church of England is all about self-glory, and so the ignorant are standing up and wailing about racism, and victims who correct them and mention Sentamu's history of unpunished misconduct are attacked, me included.

But this week's terrible behaviour by the church seems to know no bounds, anything they can virtue signal about, they are virtue signalling about.

Brexit is none of the Church of England's business, their interference is inappropriate, I understand that Welby was removed from his interference in Brexit position, quite rightly because of his insane behaviour, but his sponsors, whether they are from Russia or the UAE or even just his fellow peers, wouldn't have been too happy. Welby's behaviour and interferences in politics indicate that his behaviour is sponsored by someone or some people who want specific outcomes and can pay an old oil baron millionaire enough or is he being blackmailed over his African adventures? And as that has been consistent, I think it should be looked into.

Luther-Pendragon are presumably the ones who look at public feeling and try to gain glory for the Church of England by making them play on public feeling. The Church of England is irrelevant and hated in England, and is of worth for worship to less than 2% of the population, including children being forced to worship because their is no choice of a secular school. The strategy is, to use the culpable, guilty, abuser-protecting Bishops and Archbishops to try to gain admiration and sympathy for the Church of England. Anyone who supports Brexit is more likely to say 'Oh, the good old abuser-protecting hypocritical Bishops and Archbishops, standing up for our rights' when they interfere in Brexit and make a huge shameless show of it to the media who are determined to go on re-abusing the victims of these men publicly and making the victims endure these awful PR shows. 

The same goes for Sentamu and his unchristian desire for a seat of power after a career protecting rapists and harming victims. He wants the general public to pick up his cry of 'racism' when who knows, maybe the government are aware of his horrendous harm to abuse victims, and while they haven't yet removed the rest of the abuser-protectors from the House of Lords, Rowan Williams has removed himself, apparently, and presumably the current Archbishops can be asked to be quiet, have some humility and do the same and take their interfering unelected and undeserved Lords Bishops with them. Because right now, no matter how much victims are attacked by remainers for saying that Brexit is none of the Bishops' business and they have more important things to do such as deal with their continued obstruction to abuse victims and resign, those Bishops, by being in the House of Lords, are effectively being rewarded richly for abuse and misconduct, while their actions are triggering further harm to victims.

The Lords Speaker and Standards have received a number of serious complaints as the Church of England are not properly regulated or held to account elsewhere and are able to use the Lords and Parliament for their own protection when their corrupt and abusive actions should lead to them being prosecuted, charged or otherwise held to account. The Church of England, irrelevant to the UK population and currently consisting of a monster backbone of unaccountable power and a load of failing parish churches, is a body that cannot go on as it does, abusing the general public with their interferences that are eagerly helped along by the terrible UK press, while they have no safeguarding or accountability in place. The IICSA report was a farce that failed to hold them to account and enabled them to do as they do, use abuse as  PR game full of falsehoods and move on, and it is the closest the Anglican Church have ever come to being held to account, and now it is business as usual, using public opinion to curry favour while victims suffer.
The Lords Speaker and Standards are failing to act upon complaints, which makes them guilty of enabling this harm to continue.

Sentamu has no right whatsoever to demand a seat in the House of Lords, and his colleagues should not be behaving as they are in the press, they should be resigning and leaving. 

Stephen Cotterell is not a suitable Archbishop, his misconducts would have prevented him from applying for promotion in a normal decent organization, but he was chosen by Welby because he behaves as Welby does, all PR and show, happy to cover up abuse and harm victims, and to be Welby's nodding dog, always co-signing these men's silly virtue signalling letters to the press, every letter is currently treated as if it was a once-in-a-lifetime event by the press who announce it, presumably this is another Luther Pendragon trick but it is getting ridiculous.
 The situation remains that anyone contacting the Archbishops or Bishops, including David Walker and Jonathan Gibbs, will be studiously ignored, or even blocked, and persistent calls for action and change are treated as 'pestering' or harassment or insanity, as if Victims and the general publichad no right to criticize or call for justice and change, even since the IICSA report. So The virtue signalling, PR stunting, silly Archbishops and Bishops in the house of Lords need to change their priority and instead of the vain efforts to run to the front of wherever the nation is leading to crawl for favour from the nation, they need to address the way they treat the general public and their victims. Living in fortresses and ignoring correspondence doesn't fit well with trying to use current affairs to gain popularity. 

I write this as someone who is against Brexit and the internal market bill, and I write it knowing what Welby and his church are, which not all the general public do, so I and other victims of the church of all kinds, are being attacked by those who the church have managed to mislead over their virtue signalling pretences to gain acclaim over the Brexit situation, because we speak out and say that these guilty senior clergy have other priorities rather than using the general public's feeling to gain favour. This situation should not be happening. A church which reaches only 2% of the population through worship, including the children who they force worship upon, doesn't have any place at all in the Lords, especially when they are simply doing a recovery PR run after the IICSA report which they have basically spat on. Business as usual, the Church of England way, and if the Lords do not address this, they should as a whole be brought into question, especially the Speaker who has been well aware of Justin Welby and John Sentamu's personal serious misconducts for some years. 

This matter is a safeguarding failure, it is an operational failure, it is a systemic misconduct. The House of Lords and the Press should start an inquiry into the impacts of their support of the failed and abusive church of england and their behaviour. The press of the UK are profoundly abusive and subversive and their constant support of the church of england's behaviour as well as their other misleading non-news, should be the subject of an inquiry, their failure to give the church's victims an equal voice and their persistent ignoring of complaints even when their PR articles for the church rack up thousands of negative online comments means that it is time for a new inquiry, a new stage of the Leveson Inquiry perhaps? Newspapers should be for news, not for vain nobodies who have a cult relevant to less than 2% of England to show off that they have undeserved and unearned places in Lords and government and can interfere in any matter that is nothing to do with their 2% cult to suit them while their victims, more than 2% of the population over the decades! Are made to suffer and be re-abused. The Church of England's behaviour in the recent destruction of the UK over this 'virus' should have been their last word, they are of no use to the UK and are being allowed to continue to harm their victims while the Lords are aware of this.

The church of england can choose to have a vested interest in anything that gains them money, power or favour, unregulated and without concern for those who they harm, despite their reach of only 2% of the population through worship, and we didn't elect them, so this must be brought to an end. one could say this is their desperate attempt to avoid being kicked out of the Lords as part of the reform, the general public who they despise can be duped into being on their side. No other Lords abuse the press as much.

There are concerns that the church are trying to build their dying congregation by forcing recruitment in the schools that they still have power over despite their systemic abuses of children, no one should be pressured into a cult that can't safeguard, this situation is so unreal, it simply wouldn't happen in any other modern country, and certain Lords reply to criticism by boasting about the church's 'humble good works', secular organizations do more good work, the gap would close if the abusive church was disposed of, and we wouldn't have the secular organizations boasting all the time in the press or using 'missions' to abuse vulnerable children, one would hope.

I speak for all victims. Sentamu has no right to the Lords, whatever colour, neither do his colleagues, whatever colour. Peerages for abuse is as corrupt as this country gets. Enough is enough. If the press cannot grant the victims they have harmed justice and a voice, they should not be granting the oppressors a voice. Trolls calling me racist, I have no reason to be, abuse caused by anyone of any colour should be punished, and John Sentamu isn't above punishment, I am Jewish and Justin Welby's bipolar attack that led to him making Jesus out to be any race but Jewish came across as antisemitic. But the press didn't report that, only the church's side, not the general public's.

The Church of England have failed to respond to this letter, so have the press. They need to deal with correspondence and be competent in that before any more national press advertising campaigns:
In the meantime, victims wait in silence and suffer these insufferable men.


Mr John Carter

Saturday 17 October 2020

Behind Closed Doors

 I haven't been blogging for a while. By the time it gets to the weekend. I am usually too tired. For that matter, by the time I get to the week, I am also too tired. 

There has been so much going on in the news, and out of it, with the Janner investigation, as secretive and redacted as all the police investigations into Janner, and probably heading for the same failure. Various other things have caught my eye, but I haven't even had time to look at the Telegraph this week at all, I have a whole week's catching up to do. And I don't agree with their views on Johnson and Trump, so it won't take long.

A few years back, the Church of England did a PR show of installing a helpline called 'safe spaces' supposedly for abuse victims. I knew it was another show, so did many, but it took until this month for it to be labelled as a fake in the news.

The Guardian are running a Church of England PR show today as I write this, as far as I know, because they go on publishing the Church of England's every word without question or thought for the victims, they are owned by the Church of England.

I have been meaning to write more about individual cases we knew in the Church of England but I am tired, I am tired because I have chronic illness to battle and family matters to attend to, and tired because of the IICSA and the response by the C of E. 

Julie - (this account is from before the current virus crisis).

'What goes on behind closed doors is nobody's business'. This is a typical church line when they want to excuse failure to act.

Julie doesn't like waiting for her husband to come home from taking Evensong on Sundays, he doesn't like Evensong and thinks it should be abolished but the PCC won't allow it, he has to drive out to the furthest church just because about seven people want a droning old service in a cold church. So he may well come home in a bad mood.

He never hits her round the face, because of course there would be questions, but some Sunday mornings she sits in church aching from his cruelty and listening to the words of his sermons about 'love, forgiveness, kindness etc' and thinking how paradoxical it all is. She doesn't dare to leave, she has nowhere to go, and of course it would be such a big scandal, the congregation who are so friendly and treat her with such respect because she's the vicar's wife, would be horrified and disgusted and would turn away, while she would end up in that awful shelter in town that the church like to make a fuss of supporting. 

It's not just the violence, its the things he says, he calls her fat, tells her he's always looking round for a 'pretty young thing' to play with, she doesn't know if there have been any 'pretty young things'. He tells her she's stupid, she's useless, no career, 'just a vicar's wife', and that she isn't even good at helping with church events - she ignores that because there's always more than enough for her to do at church events, but it still hurts.

She endures it, it wears her down and she looks tired, it is hard to smile. Some of the ladies in church say it is because the life of a vicar's wife is a constant cycle of entertaining and attending obligatory events. There's always an excuse in the church, and Julie doesn't really do anything that isn't to do with the church, she doesn't go anywhere or have any activities or friendships outside the church, which is why she would be lost if she spoke up or left. So she goes on pretending that all is well.

She's not allowed to touch his computer, it's password protected anyway, but he's taking a funeral at one of the other churches and going to the wake afterwards, so he won't be back for lunch, and she's cleaning his office. She wipes the desk, and the computer springs to life when she moves the mouse.

Horrified at what she sees, she can't bear it any longer, she phones the Diocese. They coldly tell her that they can't deal with 'such allegations' and she needs to phone the police, they brush off her tearful protest that she's too afraid of him, she's afraid of the impact on the church and she has nowhere to go. They tell her again, robotically, that they can do nothing until the police investigate. Not a word of support or comfort.

Julie goes into the police station in town, she has a bag of clothes and essentials, and her handbag and purse. Having phoned the diocese, she didn't dare to stay at the house. They may have ignored her situation but they will undoubtedly contact her husband. That's how they work.

While she was left waiting to be interviewed, she phoned the Diocese again to ask where she could go and what she could do as she felt unable to return home. The Diocese gave the same cold response, that they could do nothing if the police were investigating, they offered to find her the numbers of homeless services, but she said she could manage that herself, and put the phone down.

The police interview was quite harsh, she was shocked. They kept asking if she had really had no idea, and she told them over and over that she never touched his computer and it was normally locked, that it had been by chance that he had forgotten to lock the computer or hide what he was doing. She felt like she was on trial, and now she was increasingly afraid, both of  her husband and his anger, and of the police, she felt accused.

Finally things changed, a WPC brought her a coffee and told her that they had seized her husband's computer and police were waiting at the house for his return. The WPC handed her a list of phone numbers and asked if she would be alright, they would be in touch. And that was it, now she was standing outside the police station with nothing but what she had packed.

She had savings, he hadn't taken that from her, interestingly enough, because while she didn't touch the savings, she was otherwise financially reliant on him. She had been entrenched in the life of the rectory and the church for a long time, a bland life of constant events and the sexism of the church and the violence of her husband, so this was a life-shattering, terrifying step into the unknown. She walked round the town centre, aimlessly looking round the market and shops. In the end, she went into the information centre and looked up hotels. 

Julie's husband was arrested, he wasn't charged with his violence against Julie, but he was charged with other crimes, and was bailed. Julie lived in fear, she was staying in a cheap hotel and trying to find a flat that she would pay for with her savings, it took her a long time to navigate the support services and the council, with all the red tape, many services were oversubscribed, and a number of services were connected to the church, so she felt she had to avoid them. The Diocese continued to be extremely unhelpful, and when she received no contact from anyone at the church, she was told in the street by a congregant that they had been advised by the Diocese to avoid contact with her.

Julie found that she quite enjoyed being alone, not having a house to look after or any events to attend and not having to anticipate violence. She enjoyed walking round the town and parks, walking beside the river. It didn't take away the shock of her experience, and she sometimes spoke to the Samaritans, but it was a relief to be free. She could get a cheap breakfast at the hotel or a cafe, she enjoyed the library, and she began to think about work. She was afraid that her husband's trial might get in the way of any job, so she took some computer training classes at the local day centre while she considered things, and she made some friends there.

The police investigation took a little while, and then the court only sentenced her husband to 3 years, it did make the papers along with all the praise and good references he got from the church; and the Diocese couldn't keep the fact that this was a Vicar out of the press, as they usually manage to do when it's a church officer, reader or layperson. three and a half years! And he probably wouldn't serve all of it. Julie wasn't mentioned, but she also wasn't supported by the Diocese or the church. When her husband was released from prison, he would be provided for by the Church for the rest of his life, while she was left to fend for herself. She hadn't been back to church since the arrest, and as she still had faith, she decided that a fresh start with another denomination and also in another area, outside of the Diocese, would be a good idea. 

Now Julie is working full time in a good job, she left the Diocese, she belongs to a large Evangelical church, she still has counselling for traumatic stress, and she still admits to being a bit scared of her husband but tries to be realistic. He was released and the Church of England look after him, she says the Church of England are total hypocrites and have lost their path, and she speaks up for other victims of violence and abuse. Julie says that it was hard to leave behind the social side and illusion of respectability that being a vicar's wife brings, but she enjoys being her own person now and although she enjoys church events, she also enjoys solitude and quiet walks. She feels that her eyes have been opened to the all-too-common abuses and violence that are widespread in the church and the world, she will never be the same again, and that is good as well as bad.


Thursday 8 October 2020

Letter to the Press and Bishops on the Anglican IICSA abuse report

 A Letter to the press and Bishops of the Church of England regarding the news headlines of the IICSA report.

Dear Recipients, 

As survivors know, this week's headlines have been a big show. A big harmful painful show to those who know that now that the IICSA with it's past tenses about abuse and safeguarding are out of the way, and the PR boasts by Welby and Walker have been trotted out, it will be business as usual, the Church of England way. The IICSA failing to hold Welby and the 'safeguarding bishops' to account and advise their resignations was the final word on that.

The serious safeguarding failures are not in the past, they are not someone else's problem, they are here and now, and one such failure is allowing guilty men to boast in the press as Welby is doing when he has personally harmed victims through cover-up. For 7 years Welby has boasted in the press in response to abuse and safeguarding failures and whatever other whim takes his fancy. The general public in their thousands respond in disgust but Welby's psychopathy is abnormal and he ignores the mass disgust in response to his behaviour.

It is usual for the Church of England to make sweeping statements and promises without challenge or follow-up, and that was the case this time, the Bishop of Manchester, who has failed to respond to a recent serious safeguarding complaint against Justin Welby that has been going on for years and currently leaves a vulnerable adult homeless and seriously injured as a direct result of Welby's criminal misconduct, has claimed that things have improved, he's claimed that to Cathy Newman, unchallenged, while such statements are like a physical blow to the many victims who are suffering because of Walker, Welby, Butler, Hancock and others' failure to act properly or at all. Justin Welby himself is under investigation by his safeguarding team who themselves have harmed victims, and yet that was very muted in the media and now he's showing off about 'wake up calls'. What kind of nation and media allows a charity with such a serious safeguarding failure right up to the leader, allows them to posture instead of resignations and closing down?! 
The abuse of the media by the church on these matters has long been an abuse of victims. 

I am among the many who feel revulsion at the sight of Welby all over the press and media with his posing, his  untruths and boasts. How is the IICSA report a 'Wake up Call' when Welby has been a knowing part of harm to victims and appears to have no intention of resigning? And the IICSA have failed to hold him or anyone else to account - presumably because the church of England were able to interfere with and conflict the report and make sure specific allegations against current leaders were not aired. The IICSA was even led by two C of E dignitaries in a row, one of whom acted repeatedly in abuse cases to cover up and to harm victims, Baroness Butler Sloss, whose work in the Chichester case is well known but whose interference in other cases to harm victims and cover up is less well known.

In effect, the IICSA has changed nothing, because we still have the unaccountable cult, the church of England, basically pissing all over the press and media with their interferences in matters that don't concern them, politics, the vulnerable groups who they abuse and look down on while making a pretence of helping, the general public endure this and complain, and are ignored and blocked by this high and mighty closed cult, the church of England, but there is no accountability, and the IICSA hasn't ensured any. The C of E are still reined in by corrupt insurers in the Ecclesiastical-Allchurches trust inner circle who ensure that each atrocity by the church, each press release that puts the church in a bad light, is met by the Welby and Walker style falsehoods. This week and the press have shown that it is business as usual the Church of England way. 

The routine fake apology by the guilty and compromised Archbishops beggared belief. Welby was willing to kill people to protect the church's image, he destroyed this man: http://bobhilljersey.blogspot.com/ and the victim that that man felt forced to protect against the horrendous acts by Justin Welby and many senior clergy and laity and the press in Welby's first fake safeguarding stunt that went horrendously wrong. That matter alone should have led to Justin Welby's resignation rather than his being congratulated on it by the dignitaries who aided him in destroying them victim. That matter alone where he started out by abusing the press for a false apology and whitewash report, leading to the victim, homeless because of the wickedness of the church of England, vulnerable, diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, attachment disorder and PTSD, being attacked for years on end. The Church provided no protection to the victim and Welby ended what he started with PR apologies to the victim with PR apologies to the aggressors. The press aided the destruction of the victim without a murmur let alone an investigation into such openly criminal acts When the victim refused to be silent, the church of England had her violently dragged from her home in front of her neighbours and brutalized and flung in police cells, with no defence and the church telling the police she was insane, for what? continuing to ask for justice. She remains homeless, seriously injured by the police violence, and a fugitive with the church claiming to anyone who asks, that she is insane and the police are after her, forced from society forever, while Welby still boasts. Tell me Bishop Walker, what has improved as this continues? 

Obviously the case above was not included in the IICSA report because this was a vulnerable adult repeatedly groomed and abused by two serial abusers, and left with those abusers laughing at her as she was left as a criminal and rough sleeper with the church still hounding and defaming her, and there are thousands of vulnerable adults who the church have harmed in similar ways, who this week are suffering trauma badly because of the press and the church of England. Victims should not be subjected to the church of England, which is little more than a cult in numbers of worshippers, hogging the limelight in proud humility over their sins, as previously described 'dribbling, piddling and leg humping like untrained labradors over their wrongs'.

 The IICSA have been irresponsible to extremes both by failing to deal with the current senior clergy who have harmed children, vulnerable adults and their families and friends and by allowing the church's behaviour in the media and allowing the matter of the serious abusea and cover-ups to be in the past tense as if it was all in the past. Nothing has changed. The victims who have lost their lives, often branded as insane by the church and the authorities who they conflict and subjected to violences that took their lives, have been left without justice, as have the living victims, the outcome of the IICSA report is no justice, no change, just the guilty men who have taken part in the cover-ups, crowing and preening and making victims sick.
Shame on you, IICSA, shame on you leaders of the Church of England, shame on you newspapers and media who have printed and broadcast the lies of these wicked men. Really, shame on you all for this show when it is business as usual the C of E way, with the help of the IICSA and at the expense of thousands of people who are suffering and will be affected for life, those who live. 

For the information of Cathy Newman, this victim, who asked you among many, for help and was ignored because the media only publish the church of england's lies and PR, is a CURRENT safeguarding matter, a vulnerable adult who Justin Welby, Tim Dakin, Paul Butler, Trevor Willmott, Peter Hancock, Baroness Butler Sloss, and more, publicly destroyed, has been homeless for two years, a fugitive from further police violence which would kill her after she has suffered a broken spine and lost part of her hand to police violence, she is diagnosed as autistic and suffers PTSD and psychological damage, the church have worked hard to make her out to be insane for her response to decades of church harm to her in cover-up of two prominent serial abusers. The church have covered up her case with vile whitewashes that totally excluded her story, and efforts to make her out to be insane and persecuted her with the police and efforts to make her out to be insane. 

Jonathan Gibbs and the Bishops of Southampton and Bristol have failed to respond to this case that prominently involves Justin Welby, the Bishop of Manchester the same. The Archbishop of York who's premier show was PR apology for his wrongdoing that should have prevented his installation, blocked me for referring the complaint to him but as he received it, he is liable for it and is repeating the serious misconduct that he did a PR apology for. Justin Welby was publicly congratulated on apologizing to the aggressors in the case by a conflicted Lord who sits with Baroness Butler Sloss on the ecclesiastical team, Sloss was actively involved in the cover-up as well. This is NOW, Bishop Walker lied to Cathy Newman and was not challenged on his lies. The IICSA don't appear to have made proper recommendations to remove the corrupt Ecclesiastical team for their persistent misconducts and abuse of the law to aid the church in their corruption.

Victims of other cases where Justin Welby has been involved in cover-up have also been harmed by Walker and Welby's distressing PR interviews this week, and victims are calling for his resignation, but he goes on and on, unchallenged by his Bishops with their virtue signalling and PR stunts that attempt to gain favour for the church while harming its victims. Theories are that Welby's mental condition is so serious that he really doesn't see the harm he does, which would make him unfit to be an Archbishop of course, and that thought is very widely upheld, he is unfit to be Archbishop, but other theories include him being paid by Oligarchy to remain, to interfere in Brexit and elections as he so obviously did, and no one effectively either called him to account or shamed him for his openly corrupt behaviour. 

What the IICSA and the media and news have done is violently re-open victims' wounds, and for some, that will be a step too far, there are likely to have been or to be deaths because of the way the IICSA, C of E and press have behaved this week.

I was astounded to see how Cathy Newman enabled the C of E this week. I do not watch Channel 4 News, to me it is all propaganda and efforts to stampede people over this virus hoax and C4's personal opinion of Brexit and I thought Newman had gone, rattled off to be on some obscure radio station after refusing to expose Justin Welby and the biggest cover-up in Church of England history, I am disgusted that she allowed Bishop Walker to harm abuse victims and show that it is business as usual the church of England way. I am one of several people who
when the C of E dominate the media, asks, how much money changed hands for these lies to be published unquestioned and for such open abuse and corruption to be ignored?

Nothing the church of England proudly blare into the press and media is ever questioned or followed up, they can make grandiose pretences of any sort of care and help and they distress all of their victims, and not a single follow-up is ever made. No other religion or denomination is allowed to behave this way and considering that the IICSA, very redacted and church protecting report hasn't absolved them, isn't it time for such behaviour to stop? The C of E is no more than a large cult who are very proud of themselves and like to be seen, they offered nothing to the general public and congregation during the pandemic and behaved appallingly. Well, behaving appallingly is their modus operandi.
Senior Bishops, current senior Bishops, the National Safeguarding team and others, have circulated emails making victims out to be insane when they persist in asking for justice. This is on Welby's watch, he knows, he is part of it. Why are the Church getting their views made headlines and not the victims?! The IICSA should have ensured that their report did not become part of cover-up and PR. 

Having harmed victims further and lied about the state of things, having refused and ignored serious safeguarding complaints, having been part abuse and harm, Justin Welby and his senior Bishops should now go. The Dean of Sheffield, who has obviously been in serious trouble for some time and tried to hide and defend it, making himself look worse, seems to be the only resignation in this horrendous situation which encompasses most of the senior Bishops, why is there only one resignation, and from a Dean?! 

Now there need to be further inquiries, into senior Bishops, safeguarding Bishops, Archbishops, the national safeguarding team, the behaviour of the press and news outlets in relation to church of england PR and abuse of news space for their advertising, virtue signalling and lies, especially lies about abuse. Welby isn't the slightest bit bothered about the impact of his boasting while victims suffer, he has been contacted thousands of times about it and he continues. He's not 'shocked', this isn't a 'wake up call', he's known and been part of it all along and is only sorry that his church had to face the redacted past tense report before their boasts and lies in response made more news headlines than the suffering of the victims. During the IICSA report, Welby distressed victims by forcing on every church his lies about sorrow and shame, and yet that was two years ago and nothing has changed, his serious misconduct against the vulnerable adult hasn't been addressed, indeed it was within months of his narcissistic PR sorrow letter that he and his clergy had the vulnerable adult violently destroyed again and have left her homeless and unable to rebuild her life. What state are things in for this man to have falsehoods published still!!!

The bottom line is, the headlines by the senior clergy are a safeguarding failure and a risk to victims, most victims have been denied justice, most abusers have remained in high standing and in respected positions in the church, every Bishop and diocesan safeguarding officer has harmed and silenced victims. Removing safeguarding from Bishops and handing it over to safeguarding officers who have harmed victims would be utterly ridiculous. The failure of the senior clergy to resign who are blocking safeguarding complaints, including Bishops Walker and Gibbs and the Archbishops, will mean that nothing changes. 

Guess what response my letter and many many others being sent will get? Nothing, none. Business as usual, the church of England way, they will go on harming and abusing with impunity with the IICSA out of the way and no further reports ever being done. They will continue to do false independent reports for their own PR glory, and victims will go on suffering and the press will go on being complicit. The telegraph refusing comments on Welby's boast after previous boasts are met with fury from the general public is typical of the situation.

Justin Welby's narcissism and psychopathy makes the Church of England's poor image as a leeching lying abusive burden on the country even worse, and at a time like this, when the church have turned their back on the country during the crisis, things really do need to change. The pre-emptive apology and the use of the disgraced and under a formal complaint archbishops' council to try to bring attention to the 'probably never distributed' compensation to abuse victims should be the lowest that Welby and his dying church can stoop, but they never fail to surprise, and victims wearily know that now that the IICSA have enabled the church rather than holding them to account, the boasting will go on and on and on, year after year, especially while Welby refuses to resign or is being forced not to by his sponsors in the UAE or Russia or wherever. What other reason could there be for something like Welby to remain and behave like this? 

 A sample of further information on the real situation with abuse and safeguarding here and now and not in the past tense is available:
  1.  https://seaofcomplicity.blog/
  2. http://survivingchurch.org/
  3. Justin Welby's manslaughter victim - https://whatreallyhappenedinthechurch.blogspot.com/ and https://lifeafterthediocese.blogspot.com/
  4. http://bobhilljersey.blogspot.com/
Words fail me. Nothing anyone says or does seems to stop the Church of England's vanity and harm to the vulnerable, the IICSA have actively enabled it and now it is business as usual for the cult that interferes in politics and current affairs to try to glorify themselves while re-abusing victims and the vulnerable. Words fail many people this week, but the church of england is only relevant to the minority of mainly elderly people who naively believe what BBC 4 broadcast to protect the C of E, it is only relevant as a place of worship for less than 2% of the UK and at the moment still wrongly has guardianship of schools despite the level of abuse and safeguarding failure, and is otherwise irrelevant. It is laughable that Baroness Nicholson tried to berate me over the 'humble good works' of the C of E when in reality every little 'good work' is spewed all over the news in direct opposition to Jesus' teaching and the amount of abuse, harm, lives lost far outweighs the 'good in return for PR glory'.

Bishops please don't abuse us through the media any further, even your vain lies on your websites in response to the report are an abuse of victims; millionaires in palaces who hate the vulnerable, leave the media for real news; and news and press outlets, please stop taking part in this farce and ignoring the victims and their advocates and families, give us a voice.


John Ian Carter

Monday 5 October 2020

Response to the Anglican Church's Response to the IICSA report so far

 Dear Press and Media Outlets, 

It is important that you are aware that publishing only the Church of England's response to the IICSA report, as you are doing already, is an insult to victims and further harm to those silenced and denied justice by the church.

For 7 or 8 years now the Church of England have endured routine falsehoods about safeguarding, false apologies and false reports from the Church of England via the media and newspapers. 

Nothings shrieks falsehood more loudly than 'apologizing in advance' and repeating the vague falsehoods of huge compensation sums and care already falsely raised in February as a PR stunt, but being unable to explain how, if safeguarding isn't improved and victims who have been forcibly silenced by the church are not reached, this show money is going to make any difference.

It is sad to see that the new safeguarding Bishop, Jonathan Gibbs, and his associate safeguarding Bishops are as ineffectual and PR focused as the previous so-called 'safeguarding bishops'. I made a serious formal complaint to Jonathan Gibbs and the associated Bishops some months ago and despite it being a safeguarding emergency, a vulnerable adult seriously harmed from criminal misconduct by the Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior figures, the response has been appalling. Gibbs himself has tried to fob me off, while the others have failed to respond at all. And yet they have time to try to gloss over the current dangerous mess that the church of England is in response to survivor Gilo: (seaofcomplicity.bog) speaking up about the situation.

The church of England continues as it always has, to treat abuse as irrelevant except when it affects the church's image, then their cruel and psychopathic attitude to victims is glossed over and they scramble eagerly for press attention and fake but desperate apologies and protestations about safeguarding improving that harm the victims who they are refusing justice to.

The Church of England provide fully for abusive priests, from legal support to housing and pension. Each clergyman who is convicted knows that they have a comfortable future, unlike their victims who may never live a full life. This support of rapist clergy, having gone on for decades on end, has amounted to far more paid out to offenders than the church of England are pretending to offer to victims. As ever, when the church virtue signal and pretend to carry out virtuous and altruistic projects, the press slurry sprays it all over the suffering victims of the church, and the outcomes, the results, are never heard of, the victims, their voices of no worth to the press who print the church's lies without question, go on shouting as loud as they can, and are barely heard. Many many victims have no voice at all, and some are even afraid to speak, seeing how others have been crucified.

The church are making excuses about helping victims in 'distressed circumstances' while they provide for all paedophile and rapist clergy, but the excuses and loopholes regarding the compensation scheme will leave many victims without help, including the victim who Justin Welby had publicly destroyed with the help of the press and media and cronies in judiciary, law, Lords, police and others, the case that Jonathan Gibbs and his colleagues apparently daren't even respond to emails about. Many victims, those forcibly silenced by the church and accused of insanity, harassment or pestering for persisting in asking for justice in a distressed state and being denied it for the sake of the church's image or because their abusers weren't convicted, are unlikely to receive anything, and their suffering will be intolerable as the compromised IICSA report is used as a PR slurryfest by the C of E, who love to turn their shame, scandal, crimes and corruption into limelight and fake remorse.

Baroness Butler-Sloss and Fiona Woolf, both Anglican Church dignitaries and in the case of Butler-Sloss, guilty of harming abuse victims to protect the C of E, were allowed to lead and compromise the IICSA inquiry and access evidence, leading to victims not believing that the inquiry would bring justice. Not a murmur was made by the C of E or press about these conflicts. Why didn't the profusely false apologizing Bishops and Archbishops act swiftly on this for the sake of the inquiry's integrity, as it is, some believe that the report will be a whitewash, and some Anglican victims have personally been hurt by the inquiry. But the statutory fake apologies have to be rolled out, and Mr Welby actually seems to enjoy such things, self-flagellating with glee in front of everyone, which creepily reminds me of the Smyth case.

As I said before the recent synod, this is going to be an incredible slurryfest for the church in the press. An extra synod strategically placed just before the IICSA report, what new lies can the church cook up to try to take the attention off the reality of the report?
It was a bit of a feeble one, the repeat of February's false boasts about recompense and care for victims, the only addition really, was that because victims have brought a complaint against the Archbishop's council for their barbaric behaviour towards abuse victims, and that complaint is aimed towards the Charities Commission, the Archbishop's Council were strategically to look as if they voted unanimously in favour of the compensation and care move. Funny isn't it? These men have shown utter hatred and contempt for victims and have taken part in cover-ups that have destroyed victims, and suddenly, for the sake of the media reaction, they all care very much.
Not enough to refrain from nasty attacks on their own clergy in the letters column of the Telegraph because they felt threatened by what was written about the diminishing congregation, not enough to personally apologize to the victims they have harmed, and resign, but enough to 'be seen' by the press, showing off the pre-arranged 'unanimous' vote for something already arranged in February for the last synod's PR, but the press don't question the church nor do they print the other side of the story, our side, the victims' side, the side of those the church has harmed, the side of the many of us who have had to leave the church of England because of the serious corruption and abuse of power. The press have a short memory indeed, to keep printing conflicting outbursts by Welby.

In the event of the safeguarding bishops failing to respond well to the case of Justin Welby and other senior clergy's serious and criminal harm to a vulnerable adult, I referred the case to the new Archbishop of York, he used his own serious misconduct in an abuse complaint as his opening PR show as Archbishop as is becoming standard with clergy, they enter office with an apology that is supposedly to gain them favour, even though it is inconceivable, but the new Archbishop received my complaint and was obliged to act upon it. When I wrote later, having not received a response, he had blocked my email. The previous Archbishop of York and the ongoing assistant, Daphne Green, were involved in the complaint I made and would need to be investigated too. So a change of management brings no change in attitude.

The congregation of the church of England is down to the size of a large cult. They have no genuine safeguarding but work according to archaic rules that state that the vulnerable are an insurance liability and a risk. The C of E spam the press relentlessly with virtue signalling, falsehoods about safeguarding, and their interference in politics. No other denomination or religion in the UK is even allowed to abuse the papers and media this way. Or is it that the press refuse to give them the opportunity? Every whim, fancy or lie by the church of England is published without question. And the press slurry about the IICSA report began on synod week, so victims are having to endure a very long run of the publicity that causes them so much distress. Tomorrow's major outpouring of falsehood by the Church of England may kill some victims who know that as the falsehoods continue, they will remain without justice.

For years, Justin Welby and Bishops led a public character assassination against a vulnerable adult who had been abused by two serial abusers in the C of E, one of the abusers had been sacked from official positions at one church, only to be moved to another, with his powerful legal, judicial and government friends supporting him, and had been in a position to abuse this vulnerable adult as a result. The other serial abuser was a magistrate, also well connected. Neither men paid for the abuse, Justin Welby made the victim pay, by allowing all the powerful friends of the defendants to destroy her publicly, in the unquestioning and eager press and media. The victim was presumably supposed to suicide and be labelled as insane under such onslaught because even strong people can't survive such violence, but went on fighting for justice and a voice, so she was accused of 'harassment' and subjected to violent police assault and imprisonment and left homeless and seriously injured, as she remains while Welby keeps up his vanity shows.
 Most people wouldn't survive these matters but they are the very tip of the iceberg in this story. The vilification of the victim remains in archived press and media and occasionally a repeat attack on the victim is launched. The press and media onslaught led to physical attacks on the victim which destroyed her life over and over. The Church of England's safeguarding leads even encouraged other victims and the two conflicted 'church abuse' charities, while Macsas and 31:8, undeclared as run by church of england safeguarding members to protect the C of E, also played a strong part. 

Justin Welby and Stephen Cotterel, with all their fake apologies, are failing to take responsibility for this. Jonathan Gibbs and the Bishops of Southampton and Bristol are failing to act on what is a safeguarding emergency and a case that involves criminal actions by senior clergy and authorities influenced by the church. The Bishop of London often reminds victims of how there is no safe place for victims of the church to turn, as she advertises herself leading services for NHS, Police, Judiciary and more, making sure that those wronged by the church know just where they stand, and of course many victims do find out the hard way that reporting C of E misconduct will lead to harm to them from the authorities and malicious misreporting, as happened with the victim mentioned above and others such as Theresa Cooper found out. None of this will be mentioned in the PR slurry from the church in response to the IICSA report, which is why I am mentioning it. Even a small voice in reply is a voice. Justin Welby's effusive empty apologies which he has trotted out routinely for years and had published, even though a published apology is a stunt and not a directed apology to the party concerned, are so hypocritical considering what he has done.

The matter of John Smyth, Justin Welby has changed his story on that unquestioned by the press, and has seriously failed victims to the point of being under investigation, but the press and authorities are silent, he has included the Smyth victims in the fake apologies for the press, but as with the previous matters, he has failed to take responsibility for his actions and inactions; in fact one thing Justin Welby seems unable to do, is take responsibility for himself or even look at himself and his bizarre behaviour. His tenure as archbishop has been a disaster, people have abandoned the church in droves, his frequent silly and offensive press releases shouldn't even be published, and as he is under investigation for even just one of his misconducts, which the media have been muted about, he should be suspended at very least, and not distressing victims with more false sorrow. 

But the press don't question this, let alone print it. The press printed the new Archbishop of York's PR stunt apology for his misconduct, but he shouldn't have been installed under such a cloud, it makes the church of England worthless. And his subsequent refusal to deal with Welby's misconduct when the new and already failed safeguarding bishops refused, compounds the air of total futility and falsehood that the Church of England's lifeline press and media presence displays. 

It is overused but Jesus told His disciples 'Do such as this unseen', and this week we have seen a real charm offensive from the church in the media ahead of the IICSA, worse than usual, blatant virtue signalling and pretences of care to poor and vulnerable groups from the elderly millionaire Bishops in their palaces. Without the press, what would be left? Dying parish churches and the monsters of the Lambeth Palace and Church House corporation. The corporation is operating under false pretences, using the Name of Jesus for a money and power game and endless harm to the vulnerable. 
The press can and should help victims by bringing the PR to an end and giving the church of England the choice of returning to Christ or disbanding. The C of E have no right to offend the nation with their hogging of the press for irrelevancies and falsehoods.

tiredly and sincerely, 

John Ian Carter

A letter regarding the Coronation

04/05/2023 Dear people of the UK and the world,  I am lucky to be looking on from a distance. When the UK gets hysterical, the distance is a...