Watch this Page, I will add to it...

They rely on silence, press and congregations who don't question. 
The congregation of the Church of England are in majority, well off people with little understanding of social injustices; abuse, homelessness, disability, and poverty. Their lip service and virtue signalling and paying into 'good causes' destination unknown, is the creed. Seeming to make surprisingly little difference to the deteriorating state of the UK, where 'good works' should not be replacing 'proper services provided by the government' any more than the government should be leaving schools in the hands of an organization which has abused hundreds upon hundreds of children.

I speak from experience, keep that in mind, I was an Anglican. That blind congregation can be told by the leaders that all is well in the Church and that victims are well looked after and 'troublemakers' like HG are not victims and must be 'ignored' because their anger and hysteria are 'mental illness' or 'trouble-stirring'. And indeed, in a small island like Jersey, where the defendants were charismatic and powerful as well as central and powerful, it was very easy to vilify and ostracize HG and add to her suffering after she reported abuse. While safeguarding rep, Jane Fisher, and then Jan Korris, tried to deny that this happened. Incredible  on what grounds did they state that? On the grounds that the defendants denied it. They tried to tell HG that she was insane rather than being ostracized. 

National Safeguarding Team. 2015+ (previously, Elizabeth Hall, former safeguarding official, ignored HG and spent most of her time on sick leave).

Here is a question. The National Safeguarding Team, slandering HG as all kinds of terrible and untrue things, as evidenced. Were they aware of the injunction against the Bishop of Winchester? No? Not fit to work in safeguarding. Yes? Not fit to be in safeguarding.
Paul Butler and Peter Hancock, both formerly of the Diocese of Winchester, both knowing the key players in the case. Butler, instead of stating that the matter being in the media would harm the victim, made a feeble statement about 'praying for all those involved'. Obviously God didn't honour his prayers, he then refused any requests from HG for assistance, and later resigned from safeguarding because of other misconducts.
Peter Hancock, in the show of removing the former Dean, offered him a job in the Diocese of Bath and Wells, in theory, Key never appeared in the Diocese. Hancock never had to explain why Key was fit for a job that would involve contact with the vulnerable after the massive botched Jersey investigation and the unresolved complaints by the victim. Hancock, the same as Butler, ignored all contact from the victim. 

House of Lords/Commons and States of Jersey Power Abuse. 

The behavior in this matter boils down to this, a conflicted member of the Ecclesiastical Committee and friends of the powerful thugs in the States of Jersey, has, with his friends, hijacked an already completely unprofessional and compromised abuse case.

The ranting of Lord Faulkner omitted the fact that the matter was not just unfair or unjust on the former Dean, who left under careful pretences by the 'Safeguarding' Bishop of Bath and Wells as well as Justin Welby, it was unfair on HG, as she was not made aware of the unprofessional and untruthful report by the church member/counsellor who abused their position and breached BACP rules in order to carry out the report, a counsellor is an aide to someone who needs personal help, Jan Korris was not HG's counsellor, had no consent either to receive information about HG's personal life or publish it. Korris blatantly abused her position, and published, not HG's story, but the lies from the wrongdoers in the Diocese of Winchester and Deanery of Jersey, she was not qualified to carry out any such report, publishing slurs and assumptions and outright lies, she did not make HG aware of the report, she did not get HG's consent to carry out the report, she did not ask HG for clarification, and indeed, when HG contacted Korris, she received a dismissive response and HG's amendments were ignored. 

So while Lord Faulkner raves about the 'poor' man who got away scott-free while the victim was utterly destroyed, he seems to forget that this is not a one-sided matter, either Lord Faulkner lacks in qualification and suitability to his position, or he is past time for his retirement and can no longer think clearly or impartially, either way, his resignation for his appalling abuse of the House of Lords is due. 

Further to the unholy launch of the Korris report into the news, during the injunction taken out against the Bishop, it was lied to a court of law, that Korris had tried to contact the HG to include her, this lie was not investigated but HG stated that it was not the case as the Diocese of Winchester could have provided contact details, and Korris could have got in touch. She did not. Further to that, the Diocese of Winchester commissioned the police (who have acted for them and refused to protect HG) to trace HG AFTER the release of the Korris report, and as usual the police humiliated and insulted HG and left her traumatized and terrified in the knowledge that the police would still act for the Diocese at the snap of their fingers. 
The Korris report, published without HG's knowledge or consent, led to HG being driven from the community where she was settling and attending college and working as a volunteer after three years sleeping rough on the streets because of the Diocese of Winchester and Deanery of Jersey. HG, who had lost her whole life, lost her whole life again as the Korris report sparked the unchecked and violent onslaught by the Jersey Evening Post, BBC Jersey and the others, lies, attacks, hatred, from press who by and large sided with the Dean and of course an onslaught from the general public. Unfortunately Lord Faulkner's tirade fails to mention any of this in his abuse of power in favour of the Dean, as he abuses his conflicting positions on the Ecclesiastical committee and former involvement with Jersey. 

What Korris carried out was in theory a report into abuse and misconduct, as a counsellor she had no qualification, legal or investigative, to do so, and overstepped her boundaries to the point of meriting dismissal from the BACP by using her status as a consellor to write about someone she had never met or interviewed. Further to this, Korris was a member of the Church of England and paid by them, paid by the defendants, this prevented the possibility of a true and accurate report....
As Richard Scorer, an abuse lawyer, keeps stating 'The Church of England can't mark their own homework'.

Korris made a false claim that Hampshire Constabulary had investigated previous abuse and found nothing, did they really do so without interviewing HG? That would be a bit of a farce. But the aim of the Korris report is to mislead the general public about HG and the abuse and basically make HG's side of things to be 'all in her head'. 

Jane Fisher, the 'former' safeguarding manager of the Winchester Diocese, instead of tackling the case in Jersey, kept taunting HG and blaming her for the shunning she faced on the island due to reporting the abuse. She also tried to refer the matter back to the former Dean, Bob Key, against HG's wishes, telling her that Key was neutral, Key and his wife were friends with the abusers and would sit with them in church and at events, Key told HG that the abuse hadn't happened and that she was wicked and to blame for everything she had suffered in the church, he did so in a conversation where HG confronted him and his wife non-violently, this was not recorded by the C of E, instead a lie was read out in court that at that meeting, HG was violent and swearing, which was not the case. 
Lord Faulkner in the Lords is basically stating that he upholds corruption and abuse of power and dishonesty. 

Fisher, despite formal complaints for her appalling handling of this matter and her repeated acts of having HG arrested, and lies to get HG convicted and thus her future irreparably ruined, was allowed to remain in her safeguarding position until 2015, influencing the case to protect herself and others, especially through the Korris report, In 2013 Fisher illegally referred HG to the NSPCC, a child abuse agency and totally unsuitable, and breached the data protection act by doing so. HG was contacted unsolicited by the NSPCC and complained to the police about Fisher and the NSPCC, as was the case throughout, the police refused to act, and acted only on the command of the Church of England. 
The aim of the illegal NSPCC referral appears to have been so that Luther-Pendragon, the Bishop's disaster management firm, could produce a major lie about the Diocese of Winchester 'helping' HG, for his own purposes of covering his back and looking good as the matter was tarnishing his reputation; the Bishop professed to be 'hoping that HG would accept this help' this violation by the NSPCC while HG was being destroyed publicly and the Bishop was refusing to halt the harm.
This false help distress to HG was compounded by members of the public making such comments as 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink' cruel, unfeeling and not relevant to the reality. 

The Bishop made a rather alarming statement about being 'called to help the lost, last and least' apparently he judged HG as being those things. It is unclear why he either felt he had authority or position to judge this or why he felt that he was helping by publicly destroying HG and not withdrawing the Korris report, dismissing Jane Fisher or halting the press frenzy being led by the members of Deanery, States, Judiciary and others against HG. 
The Bishop and Archbishop, Korris and all others, ignored HG's pleas for the harm to stop. Items like these are a reminder that the Church of England's un-elected and undeserved powers remove them from reality while they are out of touch by wealth, position and power, from reality and suffering, and are not a Christian Church but a body who use God as an aside for their existence. 

What was this investigation? HG had already been shoved roughly through the 'criminal justice system' with only the Church of England's views being heard. And now, for years on end she was put on public trial by conflicted in-house reports. Her whole life had been taken off her before this debacle between Jersey and Winchester was used to ruin her. but...

If The Archbishop of Canterbury apologized to her in 2013 - to be honest, he, the Bishop of Winchester, and the Dean of Jersey, apologized to the press about her, they didn't personally apologize or even make her aware of the matter as she slept in a porch in the cold, anyway, if the Archbishop of Canterbury apologized to her, he either had enough evidence of misconduct against her for an apology, and should thus have ensured that she received a pardon and as a result been able to have a career and opportunities taken away by the way she had been destroyed. If he apologized without enough evidence, he still flung the matter into the international spotlight and was still liable for the harm to her. But as all kinds of victims of the Church of England know, the Archbishop and Senior Bishops and dignitaries are accountable to no-one. This is why the Archbishop feels enabled to behave in all kinds of bizarre and unsuitable ways. No one has questioned the Archbisop, Dean and Bishop apologizing, followed by an open and endless vilification of the victim by them and their associates, with the Archbishop apologizing to the Dean after three years of this. And the C of E rely on no one questioning.

I will risk linking to HG's blog, which she doesn't write any more, but she verbalises in a different style, some of what I'm writing here.

HG should not have been in a position where the investigation bypassed her and forced her out, nothing should have been recorded without her consent or knowledge, and the Diocese refused to let Bob Hill be mediator or act for her, and ignored all of her correspondence, this matter, whatever it was about, was not an investigation into what happened to HG in Jersey. 

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