Wednesday 3 November 2021

'Safeguarding Season and 'Loudfence'

Dear Cathedral members, 

As a survivor of abuse and an advocate of survivors of abuse, I want to express my disgust at your recent and ongoing PR stunt and make you aware that it is an insult and an abuse of victims denied justice by the Church of England. There is no 'safeguarding season' , real safeguarding is full time and permanent, but the church of england do not understand the word 'safeguarding' they see it as meaning their own arrogance, vanity and PR while covering up the very serious misconducts in each church and cathedral. And if questioned, they attack the questioner, as I have experienced this 'safeguarding season'.

The signature of all church of england PR stunts and abuse of the press for limelight is plump smug clergy smiling outside a cathedral or church while exploiting whichever vulnerable group they are exploiting, it doesn't vary and it gives the nation a headache, the C of E abuse of the press for false advertising has been beyond a joke for many years now, and your recent game, which seems to have dragged on incessantly now, is simply the same thing.

True victims of the church of England, the silenced and the friends and families of those killed by the church of england, do not like seeing these repetitive deceits.

I am sure that like Jane Chevous, the woman who has enabled your latest hypocritical and misleading stunt is naive and means well, but both simply enable the church of england's fake safeguarding campaign and cause anguish to victims by doing so.

Those of you who are pictured smug, plump and smiling in the generic church of england PR shots, are part of the problem. None of you ask for the resignations of senior clergy who have caused deaths of victims and the vulnerable, I've not seen a smug plump smiling face advertising that for PR, and ALL of you are part of the strategy and tactics to silence, ignore, brand and turn away victims who have contacted the Cathedral and Diocese about abuse. You are being rewarded and enabled by a naive abuse victim who is feeding you for what you have done, with little ribbons and the smug plump smiling faces in the press.

The ribbons don't restore the damage that you have done and not repented for, the ribbons do not restore the victim assassinated after crying out to you for help and you obeying the deadly instruction to ignore the victim, treat them as insane and do nothing because of the power of those involved, the senior clergy, lawyers, judges, lords and others. Your ribbons and PR are a mark of extreme contempt, all the brightness and colour in a graveyard does not bring anyone back to life.
All who have looked on, turned away, ignored suffering, let victims be smeared and treated with contempt even at the order of 'safeguarding' employees both in diocese and in London, and taken part, are part of the problem.

This wretched 'Loudfence' has been rammed down victims throats for a long time now, have the grace, mercy and humility to make sure it never happens again. 'Loudfence' sounds like a dirty old man in a chatroom, it is so crass you would think the church dreamed it up themselves, like all their other silly names for PR fake safeguarding and inclusion schemes - 'Mosaic' etc. I know most victims who know the church of england well enough to abhor this awful PR run will have endured it as I have and got more and more angry as I have, but most of us don't speak, we aren't like Chevous and Antonia and the rest of the stockholm syndrome crowd who enable the church of england and stand between the church of england and the silenced with the help of the toxic and lawless 'macsas' etc, we don't want to be puppets to you, we want justice and we want to see the insurers, judges, lords, senior Bishops, police and others who have enabled the continued culture of hatred for victims and protection of abusers to end, and that won't be achieved by naive enabling of the church of england's two facedness by Chevous or the others.

I can assure you that while Justin Welby, Paul Butler and others remain, we will know nothing has changed in the church of england, naive young women such as the enabler of your PR stunt or Chevous who parrots Justin Welby's hypocritical verbal vomit about safeguarding are not changing anything, nor are you when you're aware of the reality and part of it and instead of repenting, you take part in this parade and it's business as usual inside the diocese and cathedral.

It is important for you to remember that shoving PR about useless ribbons onto abuse victims through the press is an abuse. Until there is real change, do your fake safeguarding rituals in humility and shame, behind closed doors, don't raise the hopes of the naive that things have changed or that the church is a safe or caring place, it isn't, you are entirely self-serving and what you're doing in PR is an insult to those you and your colleagues in the other Godless cathedrals have harmed.

The church of england isn't just laughing stock nationally, it is also corrupt from root to crown and prejudiced in extremes to all vulnerable groups, an elitist, class and money-based lawless burdensome mafia which preens incessantly in the public spotlight despite the anger of the general public. The church of england is everything that Jesus said that the Pharisees were.

As a victim and on behalf of victims, take your ribbons and your arrogant pride and stick them down below in the vault until you've genuinely acted on safeguarding by publicly decrying Justin Welby and his cronies for remaining when they have deliberately harmed people and caused deaths. When we see you doing that, and the media and press and social media record it, we will believe in safeguarding in the church of england. Not before. In the meantime, all your PR stunts faking support and concern for the vulnerable look alike, plump smug preening clergy pretending to care, give it a rest or find a new tune. Try to imagine what it is like for victims and survivors to have your preening thrown in their faces daily on social media when they know the truth, and to meet with someone like the idiot canon at Rochester who showed exactly why you're pure fake in response to complaints about this. He had no answer as to how things are changing and did the usual fat arrogant middle class pompous routine that we, the survivors, are used to, the one that makes you plump canons and deans the problem. 'Things are changing, things have changed'. How? Paul Butler remains, Jonathan Frost has been rewarded again for his harm to victims, and so on, ribbons and preening for those who fail to challenge the real situation is not change, it's part of as PR campaign to hide the real church of england. Not a single one among you can claim innocence and so not a single one among you is a Christian. If you can read and understand what Jesus taught, why have you gone against Him in the case of abuse victims and all this dishonesty about safeguarding.

Plump and arrogant deans and clergy, stop dancing on the graves and the ruined lives of your victims, take a long hard look at yourselves, if that's possible for a cleric in the C of E and as a conclusion to your pretentious and arrogant and self-serving 'safeguarding season' during which you have hurt and insulted many victims, myself included, find another way to stroke your egos which doesn't involve re-abusing those you've already harmed and made out to be insane, shut down, ignored, sent round unpleasant slanderous and dishonest emails about. Don't do another safeguarding season, either safeguard or find another way to stroke your egos and serve yourselves. If you choose to safeguard, we will see Justin Welby leave in disgrace along with some of the wicked people who surround him, you will deserve press headlines then and you will get them, but not to the benefit of your church as your preening sessions are, you won't be short of attention when you stop using victims to stroke your vanity and do something about the root causes of the systemic safeguarding failure in the church of england, just not the attention that you like.

Maybe you and the naive stockholm syndrome victims could ask survivors before inflicting any more fakery like this on us in future, I know you don't really know about courtesy or respect, which is another root cause of your safeguarding failure, you look down on us, we are to be used to glorify you just as the Pharisees did to us lesser beings, so you do; things won't change until your attitude does, imagine puffing and blaring about safeguarding while the Dean of Rochester behaves to me in a way that shows that nothing has changed, while his abuser-protecting Bishop huffs and puffs off to the Catholic church in the hope that they do things his way.

By the way, would you remind Bishop Jonathan that I am still awaiting a response from him more than a year later, and a response from a gatekeeper cur from the archbishop's council, a man who harms abuse victims, isn't a response from Bishop Jonathan?

John Carter

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