Sunday 26 May 2024

A letter regarding Paula Vennells, Justin Welby and the Church of England


Dear Recipients, 

As ever, excuse the length of this. 

Letters to the senior leaders in the Church of England fall on deaf ears and they are resoundingly, spectacularly bad at reading the room, they have no contact with the general public aside from PR shows mainly involving dignitaries or vulnerable groups who they use to try to glorify themselves, while correspondence is usually ignored or receives a token response which isn't directly from the senior leaders but from their staff. With these things in mind, it is small wonder that the Church of England is not relevant to most of the population of the UK, and that their influence over politics is increasingly seen as self-interest and corruption to suit the interests of the church. 

Certain Bishops make a huge song and dance about vulnerable groups, for example the Bishops of Manchester and Liverpool, but they ignore correspondence, this is how the Church of England operates, on a one way street which should lead to a dead end for them. If these people don't even have the humanity to interact with the population apart from as show-offs, they are certainly not representing Christ to us. 

The combined PR stunt of the two unsuitable Archbishops, Justin Welby and Stephen Cotterell regarding the election was astounding. 'Be kind'? Was it kind of Justin Welby to interfere in the last election with a smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, an open and very blatant interference in the election for which the House of Lords failed to sanction him? No, and Justin Welby and Stephen Cotterell are not kind, the latter was elected to suit Justin Welby and wasn't even suitable to be a Bishop or clergyman, with his foul language and unresolved misconducts. Welby himself has inflicted very deliberate and lasting cruelty leading to death of abuse victims, and right now the victims of John Smyth have been waiting for four years for the report on their case, as Welby is significantly implicated as well as other senior leaders and the legal battles to protect them are preventing justice or closure of any kind for the victims. Welby is said to have enabled his friend John Smyth, leading to the death of one of Smyth's alleged victims and denying the other victims justice. 

Justin Welby has never been known to be kind, he is one of the biggest high profile narcissists that the UK has ever known, and every PR stunt, every interference in politics and current affairs is about him, not about the church he was supposed to lead but never has, not about the church of England apart from its status as an excuse for wicked men and women to be exempt from the law. The church of England is an ongoing act of deceit, deceiving the rest of the world to think that it is a Christian church and accepted or wanted by the people of England. It isn't, the deceit has worn thin in recent years, while Justin Welby focuses on using his position to meet his own needs at the expense of all vulnerable groups and not least the victims of the Cburch of England.

Stephen Cotterell, the terrible successor to that arrogant man who thought he had a right to a peerage and played the race card, having covered up abuse at the expense of victims, is widely known for blocking abuse victims, concerned people and advocates when they contact Bishopsthorpe as his predecessor also did, this obviously is not kind, in a similar way that his treatment of congregants before he was unsuitably made Archbishop were not kind. These men are ludicrous in telling people to 'be kind'. I think they think they fool the old and naive who still haunt the almost empty churches, and it keeps the money and behests coming in. 

Was it the Rector of Liverpool parish church who resigned recently and included safeguarding in his reasons? Nice of him to care, but he was complicit, as all senior leaders are. They know very well what goes on and what is done to victims for speaking up, essentially all victims who speak up regarding abuse in the church of England are branded for life to one degree or another through the church's abuse of their enmeshment with all authorities and judiciary, so it was nice of the man to mention safeguarding, but he did nothing about it and instead escaped with his own skin presumably intact. Unless this was another 'removal' resignation/retirement like a number of others in the Church of England in the past decade. 

Paula Vennells has horrified and disgusted the nation with her lies and crocodile tears in recent days, her behaviour is an insult to victims and echoes the same behaviour by all senior Church of England leaders, where they repeat that tired script about 'brave victims', and the rest of the PR firms' worn out tosh despite being culpable but never held to account for their part in harming victims. As I said, senior leaders don't lower themselves to communicate with the common people, and thus are seemingly unaware of how sick everyone is of their script. Communication is ignored and they keep on churning out lies and contradictions and crocodile tears. 

Some years back, campaigners asked the Bishop to investigate Vennells, and he did what the church do, obstructed by saying that 'If he was given some evidence of her wrongdoing, he would, but not before then', and when the matter really hit the headlines because the Post Office victims didn't give up, there he was with his fawning PR stunt about being a Postmaster's son, as if the general public was stupid and trying to curry favour and sympathy for himself. Most of what is released into the press by Justin Welby and senior leaders relies on the general public being stupid, especially as they, Welby the most, contradict themselves constantly. Just for example, Paul Butler aiding abusers and harming victims while using children's issues as PR for himself by pretending to care, to be honest his behaviour vaguely makes him look to have paedophilic tendencies, but I'm sure he's been well protected by Malcolm Brown, who has played an important part in church cover-up. The post office corruption is parallel to the life-ruining Church of England cover ups, yet it seems that church victims will only be ruined and left silenced because the Church of England are able to whitewash their own cases without interference and also allowed to silence reports such as the Jay report after using it as a publicity stunt, and there isn't a word of dissent from complicit and fearful authorities in England. Well, the Church even infiltrate the House of Lords and Royal Family, who can stand up to them without fearing for their lives?

Vennells left a horrifying trail of broken lives and death, and went on to hold a position in the Church of England without appearing to have any form of conscience about her manslaughter and destruction of these people. She remained in that position despite complaints to an uncaring Bishop by campaigners, until the matter really hit the public eye recently, and the Bishop felt the need to save his own image. And of course it came out that Justin Welby was backing Vennells as Director of Ethics or Bishop of London, horrifying but Welby being as he is, and the Church of England being what they are, she would be ideal for that position in the Church of England and in the Church of England only. The current Bishop of London is made in the image of Justin Welby, all vanity and no responsibility, all showing off how she conflicts the police and health ans social services in London and can get away with corporate manslaughter - the death of Father Griffin being the outstanding example. By their fruits you shall know them - Justin Welby, Sarah Mullally, Paula Vennells, Paul Butler, and many more. The veil is very thin, the veneer is wearing, but victims wait and suffer as the Post Office victims have, and yet Church of England victims may never see a proper public inquiry, only conflicted whitewashes sponsored by the powerful dignitaries enmeshed in the church.

Vennells is indeed a woman after Welby's heart, and they have a lot in common including knowingly causing manslaughter with no remorse, and being apparently untouchable by the law, Welby himself is protected personally by the MET police despite his criminal misconducts leading to loss of life. Welby, like Vennells appears to see no discrepancy between his destruction of lives and his position as a clergyman and in theory representative of the Lord Jesus. It is very apparent indeed to the nation that Welby is not a Servant of Jesus and doesn't know Jesus, he is a lover of Mammon and is the destruction of the Church of England and an embarrassment to all, especially when he crows and raves in the media. And each crow, each rave, rips the hearts of his victims and their loved ones. He's been told this enough times to be considered to be a sociopath when nothing stops his crowing and horrifying hypocritical PR games while he knows he's done grave wrong leading to loss of lives, and yet he just won't shut up. His fellow senior leaders, lawyers, PR firm and vicious laity are as one complicit and abetting him and no better than himself nor Vennells.

This wicked corrupt structure should be ended and the church have the choice of shutting up shop or being a church, just a church, without power, before they cause any more deaths. How to remove their enmeshment from the police, judiciary, politics and health and social care which protects them is a complex matter but needs to happen, the people of England need to access services which are not compromised by an abusive church who can dictated how people are treated and what is recorded on abuse victims' records.

The recent Jay report was a PR stunt as all church of England reports are, but the lies are wearing thin and the release of the report and the immediate open squashing of it was far far too blatant. You will recall that Jane Dodds was a safeguarding official used to help to destroy and silence victims, there's a bizarre link there with Lord Carlile who has also viciously whitewashed cases for the church, a man who shared offices with paedophiles and behaved atrociously towards women, he was MP for Monmouthshire, while Dodds repeatedly ran for Monmouthshire before abandoning them for Brecon and a political situation which gave her brief time as an MP undeserved, but anyone who has been involved in harming abuse victims should not hold a position of power. Remember how Greville Janner was allowed to die without facing his crimes? No lessons learned. Dodds and Carlile, enmeshed in the church and politics, have not been made accountable despite efforts to report them, to their party, to safeguarding, to the government, and so on. Church of England protection means untouchable, they are happy to sacrifice paedophile vicars of no importance in return for the crocodile tears PR stunts but they protect important criminals. Vennells presumably thought that being within the corrupt structure of the Church of England and a favourite of Justin Welby would protect her, but he's a sociopath, she barked up the wrong tree.

All clergy in the Church of England are trained in showmanship, public image and PR/cover-up, with the aim of pretending that these are 'good', 'wise', 'kind'  people, such as Vennells and Welby, so that no one will believe wrong of them when they do wrong. The victims won't be heard. It is wearing thin. The Church of England's own whitewashes of their misconducts are to prevent outside inquiry such as the one that has now exposed their Paula Vennells who killed a number of people before becoming an Anglican vicar, who stood up there and preached, knowing that people had committed suicide because of her actions. She is indeed after Welby's own heart, as are others who have committed serious misconduct and have been protected by him.

About a decade ago,  a clergy discipline complaint was made against the former Bishop of Winchester, Tim Dakin, the Bishop boasted of having the complaint stopped. What happened? Well, the Bishop and the Archbishop decided to throw a whitewash report by an improperly qualified person into the press, making the victim very easily identifiable. She was already street homeless as a result of the Diocese of Winchester, already destroyed beyond healing, and so they launched years on end of smears and untruths about her into the press, she was attacked for years on end, a vulnerable adult, already horrifyingly troubled by a terrible upbringing which led her into the hands of two church serial abusers who were being actively protected by church, freemasons, police, judiciary and politicians who they had links to. This story is a massive one, but from start to finish, the only aim was to publicly discredit the victim, her account was never included in any report and she was painted as insane, violent and a troublemaker, despite having done thousands of hours of voluntary work for the church, especially for the vicar whose freemason-magistrate-influencer of the police husband abused her, as she was used as a dogsbody for them when she was extremely vulnerable. The very circumstances of finding herself in their hands was serious misconduct by this couple and yet the victim was attacked and blamed openly for it, and still no real investigation has been carried out. 

The victim was never violent, was so vulnerable from autism and a horrific background which left her unable to look after herself, and the failed UK services certainly did not, and it was inevitable that drawn into the church by someone breaching professional boundaries, she became the victim of the abusers who the church harbours and benefits financially from. She wasn't the one who spoke up, she was forced to, by someone from an autism service, and she was instantly and utterly destroyed, by the church and their enmeshed police and judiciary, the chief magistrate who oversaw her getting a criminal record for standing up to the church was the wife of a clergyman who had been involved. As an autistic person who had attained 27 years without a criminal record and with thousands of hours volunteering behind her, both for church and community, as well as a career carved out despite communication difficulties, she never came to terms with the criminal record nor the incessant police violence against her which started when they shook hands with her abuser, who was already a known serial abuser protected by the church and thus never convicted, the second of two. The victim's story still awaits telling from beyond the grave that the church and police have energetically buried her in! 

The church left the victim on the streets, only they didn't, they continued to send police after her for beatings and detentions, they continued to interfere in her use of any homeless or support services, until she was left with her life beyond repair, the intention by the church could only have been her death, but it took them a decade, it took Justin Welby, Tim Dakin and unqualified, conflicted and dishonest reports in the press, identifying the victim and removing the whole new life she built despite feeling that her life was worthless as a result of the police beatings and their abuse of her and their insistence she was mad and the church had  done no wrong, stated to her very blatantly. They tried to have her put away over and over for the church, while leaving her seriously injured from beatings. I can feel her pain, and I can feel the pain of the Post Office victims who were destroyed in an all too similar way. Imagine living knowing that you are you, but being told on record and in public that you are someone else, it breaks a heart beyond healing. 

Dakin and Welby caused a huge civil war in the church, neither have ever been disciplined. Dakin has never been arrested for breaching an injunction which the woman brought against him to preserve her own life as she was threatened with numerous hateful whitewashes by conflicted people including a judge, a bishop, a senior police officer and his linked safeguarding partnership. This is why the church of England are dangerous, they are the Post Office but with unlimited abuse of power which is challenged by nobody. So there was an injunction, which the Bishop had his lawyers lie to a court about and then breached, and there was the clergy discipline measure, and this is what happened. The matter went to the clerk, the matter was batted about, and then the clerk told the victim the matter was being referred directly to Justin Welby, who had openly been in the thick of discrediting and destroying the victim. The victim appealed, and in vain, Welby protected Dakin and they had the victim violently beaten by police again, another attempt to make her out to be insane and have her put away. They killed her. Not only that, throughout the years, a former police officer, Bob Hill, tried to stop the harm to her, and in the end as a result of the stress, succumbed to a major bleed on the brain, he was misled massively by the church, which did not help him to help the victim, he had no idea, as former congregant. that the church were so abusive and corrupt. ]

Because there's no 'Public Interest' and the Lords, Government, Police, Judiciary, Health and Social Services, charities and so much more are enmeshed and conflicted, the matter will never see the light in the spectacular way that Paula Vennells' evil has now seen the light. There are many very high profile people who have abused their positions in this matter as well as police and other authorities, and no one polices the police, complaints were made constantly to the regional and national policing authorities, to the Lords Speaker, to the House of Commons, Social Services, Charity Commission, and so on, all are enmeshed. The victims of the Post Office and Infected Blood Scandal met similar denial and blame, what a terrible country the UK is, but if only the Church of England was separated from their sources of protection and made accountable as Vennells and the Health Service are being, it won't bring victims back to life but would make the UK a fairer and more just place. 

Jane Dodds, who I mentioned, was part of the massive abuse cover up, along with Graham Tilby and Moira Murray, they've broken the law with impunity and acted in a sociopathic way, followed by a succession of safeguarding officials, not to mention Jane Fisher and Jackie Rowlands , who repeatedly gave the order for the police to 'have the victim put down or put away' leaving her disabled with serious injuries. What has the church, policing themselves, done to ensure these safeguarding heads have no access to children and vulnerable people ever again? Judging by Dodds crowing at getting elected despite complaints to her local safeguarding board, not a lot. The current leader of the church 'National Safeguarding Team' attacked victims openly and made it clear that what they do is not safeguarding. But who is the Paula Vennells of the Church of England? His name is William Nye, he incredibly pretends to be a learned Christian, while he's sent victims, including Welby and Dakin's victim, to their graves.

The Church of England also have an undetectable way of destroying victims and silencing them, including Dakin and Welby's victim. They have a group of clergy and victims known as the Stockholm Syndrome victims, Flying Monkeys or Groupies, some of whom are abusers themselves, but protected by the church, this group, mainly male apart from Janet Fife and at least one other female, stand between victims and the church, attack and harm other victims, and are rented to influence any inquiry or investigation while other victims are excluded at their expense. Until  they face the disciplinary action they deserve, Revds Martin Sewell and Stephen Parsons and Phil Johnson steer this group, other members include but are not limited to Chris Hernadez, who is a danger to the vulnerable and proven so, but holds a church position unmonitored, Matt Ineson, much the same, Andy Morse, Mark Stibbe - directly involved in the Welby Dakin abuse case on behalf of the abusers and their supporters, these men are directly tied in to a fake unregistered charity called Macsas, whose attacks on the unprotected victims has been astounding while they double-face in the same way as Welby and Vennells and pretend to be a charity for abuse victims, they draw the victims in and enable the church in destroying them, their attack on the Welby Dakin victim was undiluted violence but because there is no safeguarding in the Church, only Vennells-Style denial and cover-up, and the Charity Commission cannot deal with unregistered charities and the fake charity is run by a lawyer and supported by other lawyers, nothing is done. 

There are many silent victims. I will never ever minimize what has happened to the Post Office victims, I cry when I think of it, the same with the victims of the Infected Blood Scandal, and I applaud them for not giving up their fight for justice, the same as the Stardust and Hillsborough survivors. But victims of the Church of England will never see justice unless things change. The groupies and their Macsas will continue a charade that will be in the way of the real picture being seen, and they will continue to hurt other victims without being halted. 

It looks as if although it is clear that Vennells is guilty, she will not be imprisoned or made accountable, she won't be stripped of her assets, and she's led a life of comfort while those who worked so hard and were innocent, will always suffer the consequences, those who lived, because although being cleared was a great victory, it won't make the suffering or the deaths go away. In the Church of England, the men who caused the death of a vulnerable adult and a retired police officer will continue their lavish lives, while someone who was never in trouble before the church, who, psychologically damaged, was driven mad by being regressed to childhood and abused, was beaten and detained constantly from when the abuse was reported, while her abusers laughed, will never see justice, over and over again her friends, work, accommodation, volunteering and whole life were ripped from her when she built them on a shaky foundation but always clean and legal and hardworking, never committed a crime despite huge emotional and psychological damage which the church and police tried to record as madness, until the church showed that they are no longer remotely Christiand but vengeful, hateful, because she wouldn't stop speaking up about serial abusers. Not a single person held accountable, and the full scope of her experiences were not investigated, the reports were a lie that made her appear to be a monster, and included no account from her and nothing but what the church and enmeshed authoritiesd selected to distort reality and yet the wicked men who broke the law, abused position and destroyed her are living a Paula Vennells life with the police guilty of misconduct ensuring that the matter is 'closed because the victim is a criminal'. 

When will the Church of England be held accountable the same as any other public body? And the Police? When will we have authorities who can arrest church leaders? When will Paula Vennells be arrested? And Justin Welby? 


John Carter. 

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A letter regarding Paula Vennells, Justin Welby and the Church of England

  22/05/2024 Dear Recipients,  As ever, excuse the length of this.  Letters to the senior leaders in the Church of England fall on deaf ears...