Sunday 16 August 2020

The Stockholm Syndrome Crowd

 I wrote about them in my letter to the Charity Commission. They are a group of abuse survivors who are entrenched in and connected to the Church of England.

The petition itself was hard for us to access and sign, but the Stockholm Syndrome Group set up an email address to send signatures to, so we did, there was no acknowledgement and I can't see our signature on the petition. This is what I would expect of them, unfortunately. 

I am sure that the Stockhom Group feel that they are acting for all survivors, but they don't communicate well with all survivors, and as members of the C of E and linked to the C of E, they can cause a lot of distress. 

It was a matter of weeks ago that I first met the Stockholm Syndrome Crowd properly although I had heard of them from HG, the victim of the biggest unresolved cover up and abuse of power that I know of in the C of E. A matter hijacked by some of the most powerful men in the UK and perverted to suit them. 

Some weeks ago, at a time that I was feeling a lot happier than I am now, one of the survivors, Gilo, followed me on twitter, at the same time as 'Thinking Anglicans' another type of Stockholm Syndrome Group, who remain in the Church while constantly sniping at it, showed an interest in some of my work, much to my horror. 

Gilo was among those who ignored HG on the grounds of the defamation of her, so I was taken aback to be followed by him. I have a concern for all the victims who are not in the Stockholm Syndrome Group, who  have no voice. And I didn't really want the Church of England to reach and distress me through that Group. As I know they have other victims. 

I am a victim/survivor of the C of E, even though I myself remained a Stockholm Syndrome member of the C of E and non-stipendiary office holder for a long time, it isn't easy to leave a cult, not even for a grown man. I have heard the C of E described as a cult recently and it fits, a small body with very powerful and lawless leaders, teaching warped doctrine to suit the leaders and oppressing lower members and the general public. 

Anyway, at some point, Gilo demanded that I follow him, and as I wanted to be part of speaking up about the C of E, I was willing to give him that courtesy as he had followed me, smiling wryly at the difference between the demand for a follow from me and this group's shunning of other victims including HG. However, Gilo had shown no interest in my writing and work regarding the C of E, which is an interesting symptom of the Stockholm crowd, they feel that they are the first and last word on the wrongs of the C of E, in similar fashion to Thinking Anglicans, who in the past attacked HG heavily and viciously and based their attacks on the whitewash of her case published by the C of E. Thinking? No, not so much. 

In reality anyone who believes that the C of E are wrong, especially on something as serious as rape, will show that by leaving, not spending a lifetime on strenuous efforts to wriggle back up the C of E's butt or into their womb, or clever and 'insider' conversations which make them feel superior. Clinging to the abusive organisation is supporting them, it is the same as a child who was abused in a children's home sitting at the gates of the closed home and crying because it is closed and begging the council to reopen it as they love the place were they were raped and want to be part of it again, old staff and all. I can't begin to imagine choosing to be placed in the hands of my rapist or his associates again. 

We knew HG and her friends in the Catholic Church and heard about how the Stockholm Syndrome, who, being part of the C of E and heavily into the Church Times, blindly believed the slanders of her that were published to cover up for the many mistakes and misconducts of the senior leaders. 

We know how the Church Times published Gavin Ashenden whose hatred for vulnerable groups is legendary, and others, in attacking her. Ashenden wasn't even in the Deanery when HG reported a serial abuser whose vicar and wife instead of monitoring him as obliged under the order that he was restricted by which had forced him from his previous church, left him working alone with children and the vulnerable, and when approached by HG, were obstructive, protective of the abuser to extremes, and ostracized her. 

HG was diagnosed by a leading hospital as having Asperger Syndrome, her upbringing was a car crash of abuse and failure by the authorities that some people can't even read when they've met her, and her bewilderment and anger got out of control, and was distorted by blatant lies that no one questioned and the massive conflicts of interest relating to the Deanery, Diocese, Courts, Social Services and Safeguarding. HG's previous abuse at the hands of a freemason magistrate church officer who had abused and destroyed his own daughter and walked away was used against her by the church, while she was slurred as 'being unforgiving' over the arrest of her youth leader for serious paedophilia, as if that was a credible defence by the church, and yet all of this is unchallenged and there has been no justice. 

Ashenden's hatred and lack of understanding of abuse and the vulnerable is legendary. In Jersey, in the aftermath of the Haute de la Garenne case, he attacked 'victim culture' as well as victims, and he is now the chosen one of the Stockholm Syndrome Group. Ashenden abused his powers as a lawyer and public speaker to harm HG and other vulnerable people and to anguish Haute de la Garrenne victims. 

I followed Gilo as he demanded, and was surprised by his one-way-street of conversation,  so much mimicking that of the C of E to victims and the lowly general public, he would sent me tweets and expect them to be admired and broadcast, but he wouldn't engage in conversation. Being human is part of getting a message across, as well as being a courtesy. He even messaged me to say that he had broadcast a tweet, which was rather odd, especially as he left a number of questions from me ignored. So I followed suit and ignored him. What can I say? They won't learn but I am not a vessel to be used. 

Now I, and my family, as abuse survivors, know that we as victims have that overwhelming urge for justice and to be heard and to help other victims, but when I'm on twitter, I like to chat, banter and engage with other people's causes, it isn't all just about me. I am not the centre of the universe, and if I behaved as if I was, it would be impossible to help and care effectively. It is about each other, and about communication. I enjoy the freedom that twitter gives to support causes and each other. Humanity, one of the most notably lacking characteristics in Senior C of E clergy, is essential for care and change. I am far from focused singularly on the C of E, abuse is a worldwide pandemic which affects families and all institutions. 

There are many victims of the C of E who have been silenced, denied justice, given a criminal record or sectioned for persisting in contacting the C of E about justice or for trying to deal with their abusers themselves because the C of E shut them down. These aren't cases that people know about, because the C of E, wherever they can, dissociate themselves from the outcomes just as pedophile church officers who are nor clergy often have their association with the church omitted from the press. 

There are also many victims  who are shut down and do not have the articulation or thought or motivation to fight the C of E, the Anglican Church with their all-powerful protectors such as Bursell, Butler-Sloss, Faulkner, Nicholson, ? Handley and others and their loud falsehoods about safeguarding and abuse in the press. Voices and courage fail, many are angry and silent. 

The voiceless are very different from Stockholm Syndrome Core. Some are very angry and the anger comes out in other ways, vilifying them further; some despair, all are affected psychologically, there have been suicides but in the toxic UK culture and with an ignorant and badly-trained police force, these deaths are treated as the result of 'mental illness' rather than C of E abuse, injustice and failures by police and authorities. 

The Stockholm Syndrome Crowd are not an option for the voiceless victims, and as a victim/survivor without full justice myself, I have been knocked backwards by their obsessive and less than courteous behaviour and their persistent efforts to feed me the inside-the-C of E culture at the expense of my mental well-being. This would cause other victims to suffer mental harm. The Stockholm group are not supportive, they are obsessive. I am in no doubt that they mean well and feel that their actions are 'for the good of everyone' (very C of E)  but they are a miniature of what they purport to be against, because they are inside and linked to what they are 'fighting', and it gives them that Anglican veneer of callousness, indifference to suffering, self-interest, and outstandingly, blindness to the potential safeguarding dangers of their actions. 

Their letter to the Archbishop's Council is signed by two predators, maybe more. Peter Ould, who has basically used the Church as his sexual fantasy palace and never effectively been disciplined or regulated, he keeps his 'non-stipenduary' position as an insurance policy because the C of E is gagging for non-stipendiary priests in their current state. And Gavin Ashenden, a man notorious for his hate rants and ignorance in association with vulnerable groups, and of course his unchecked and unpunished hate attacks on HG. Ashenden, on the Charity Commission  letter, is still using his 'former chaplain to the Queen' badge, even though he was asked to resign from the voluntary role of serving in the Queen's chapel, which had nothing to do with the Queen herself but she asked him to leave because he kept using the title during his hateful rants. Also among the signatures are the conflicted Macsas and ThirtyOneEight, who are both partially run by C of E officers, thus ensuring the C of E can always be protected in cases that may damage them, such as the HG case, in which Macsas bent over backwards and broke the law to harm HG and aid the C of E. 

So it's funny paradox, this group fighting a church that they are entrenched in, seemingly for their personal needs, and this has been going on for years now, but the rest of the victims are left behind, or indeed forced away, with neither the C of E nor the Stockholm group listening or supporting them,  while the main change has been the C of E stepping up false safeguarding, false audits, false reports, false 'past case' reviews as a pretence for the IICSA and general public and worse of all, the false pronouncements in the media, which are iconic of Justin Welby and his 7 years of  ridiculous and vain abuses of the press.  The C of E think safeguarding and victims are a joke who can be brushed aside and internal letters and memos show complete contempt for complainants and worse. 

I asked Gilo if this was why former provincial safeguarding lead, Caroline Venables left, but I got no reply. Venables was in her post for about 18 months? And tried to reach out to some victims, seemingly more compassionate than the other leads, although her former police position would have been why she was chosen, to deepen the C of E campaign of being able to conflict every force and every local social services or NHS to protect them in multi-agency situations and ensure that victims have no support but the C of E is protected. 

The Stockholm Syndromes  like the Church, feel able to judge who is a victim and who isn't. Interestingly they never asked if I was, and never asked what my interest in the matter was, the few that have got involved with me just dragged me into all the nauseating policy and procedure, cult and culture of the C of E which I had left behind, and it has affected me, it will affect others, and that one way street of communication would be exceedingly harmful to the most vulnerable. The most vulnerable who should never have Gavin Ashenden anywhere near them as he has joined the Stockholms in his vengeful attack on the C of E that he left because of his own twisted behaviours. As the Stockholm Syndrome are a group, a body, dealing with very vulnerable people and safeguarding matters, they should be making some sort of assessment of who is involved in their cause, Ashenden and Ould are more than proof of that. Lets fight for safeguarding in the C of E, with predators and perverts with their own agenda on the team! 

At Canterbury in 2017, HG described the horror of what she encountered, it took her a long time as the Stockholm group nearly killed her with their actions on behalf of the C of E in which they are entrenched. She described this group insisting she stood outside with them as they smoked:  they, the leaders, the only protest members, the Stockholms,  called the shots, and as a vulnerable adult in a strange place and eager to help in any way, she did as expected of her, but they were smoking, these high moral Anglicans, and HG was unable to withstand cigarette smoke because the C of E's destruction of her by forcing her into rough sleeping had destroyed her lungs, but her pleas not to have to inhale smoke were ignored. One of the group, a guy with Alopecia and a bizarre attitude, tried to tell her that the C of E were Christian and above reproach, and he then launched into a bizarre rant against the C of E. He had the deeply entrenched Anglican attitude of 'Holier than Thou' which makes the C of E so repulsive to the general public, attacking and yet telling another person they had no right to criticize, think in terms of Simon Butler's recent letter to the Telegraph which I for some reason got a round of applause for my casual reply to.

HG of course was horrified to be back in the atmosphere of the condescending C of E that she had been driven from and had realized was as Godless as the Devil himself. She was deeply shocked by this man's nasty attitude to her. 

This man had a dog that he was keeping alive in a pitiful and terrible state, and he seemed to put his identity into it, a creature with missing limbs, shaking and snarling and obviously hateful and terrified as well as very sick indeed, an animal in such a state would normally be put to sleep by a compassionate person but this man seemed to be using the dog as a kind of prop. Animals should never be used to meet human needs this way. This man trying to be a grand upholder of morals was a cruel man. 

HG, severely traumatized already, had been trying to keep her spirits up and see this protest as positive, despite harm to her on social media by one of the group who had been taunting her by making claims to his friendship with the National Safeguarding Team and their 'Instructions to him about her' as well as sending her bizarre rants about how he was recently raped and beaten in Cambridge by a group of Bishops who wanted to silence him; as he ignored her efforts to get him to speak to other male survivors about this alleged attack and her pleas for him to contact the police himself. she had contacted Cambridge Police with the DMs and sent them his contact details as well as ?contacting the Diocese of Peterborough where this stockholm syndrome group member was apparently an organist. 

HG requested to the leader of the Stockholm Group that she was put in a room well away from this 'organist from Peterborough' at the protest hotel and the leader put him in the room next to hers. His behaviour throughout was to create an atmosphere where HG was shunned, but HG was not what the C of E made her out to be, and this guy's behaviour was unstable and bizarre and he seemed to think that this protest was an opportunity for drinking and partying rather than demonstrating about the safeguarding failures of the C of E.

The Alopecia man with the desperate dog, who had done the hypocritical rant, leaving HG traumatised, tried to force HG out of joining the protest, lying to her, trying to intimidate her. Claiming she would be searched by the police. He must have been taken aback that she was willing to undergo that in order to highlight safeguarding failures, and he expected her to believe that unlawful searches would be carried out. This man was an Anglican Vicar, and he was dishonest, cruel, judgemental and plain nasty. This is the Stockholm Group.Making it clear with the group, that they believed the Church's hateful lies. They can't really challenge what they are fully part of. 

HG is a naturally timid woman, her anger and distress are conditioned from a lifetime of relentless abuse, homelessness and injustice, and she was hurt beyond belief by her treatment by the C of E, and was deeply upset. She was approached by a member of the stockholm syndrome group who was from Macsas,

Macsas the church-conflicted and very incompetent abuse charity who had aided the Church of England repeatedly in harming her, and are protected from the consequences of their less than charitable actions by their in-house lawyer, David Greenwood, mimicking the C of E's structure of in-house protectors.

Macsas man, who claimed to be a victim himself although his story, told drunk and of course inappropriately to the lone HG who was not drunk as she doesn't drink , seemed a bit wavering, he decided to raise the lies about her, he was drunk, and he tried to drown out what she told him about her injunction against the Bishop of Winchester with false allegations that the church had her convicted for defamation, which of course they couldn't and didn't as she had been entirely truthful and even in the conflicted courts that HG was flung into wouldn't be able to charge her with defamation, instead they charged her on lies regarding her quest for justice,  HG had to listen to lies about what she said and did, in court with no genuine defence or voicing of her side of things. She was even terrorized into what to plead. And due to the matter being hijacked throughout by powerful conflicted dignitaries, judges and lawyers, there has been no investigation. 

The man from macsas also caused huge distress for HG by raising the Frank Beck case and what he had heard about it, because HG's family were deeply involved in that case and because of the C of E destroying her, she hasn't been able to work through this in therapy. One of the reasons HG survived the attack on her by the Stockholm Syndrome branch of the Church of England at Canterbury is that the vivid and horrific flashbacks that the man raised, led her to go to Leicester and to her past there, where she felt closest to her father and was able to find comfort, she also came to us and kept phone and email contact with her church until she could get to them, otherwise the Stockhom Group would have achieved what the C of E have wanted badly in order to protect themselves, her death. And the Stockholm Syndrome group wouldn't have cared, which is why they, as 'safeguarding activists' are a safeguarding risk. 

The Macsas man had no idea about HG's real story, having only shared and taken part in slander. He expressed astonishment at what she told him and drunkenly, alone with her, said that her story was 'the worst he had heard in his career as a social worker, and the worst outside of war zones', she didn't believe this for a minute and felt intimidated by being alone with this swaying man and asked that they went back to the others, and by morning he had reverted to the hostility that would be usual of Macsas, the C of E and the Stockhom Syndrome Group, who went as far as trying to set the police on her without charge or reason or further information, destroying her because of the decade of the police being used to brutalise and imprison her and try to to brand her as mad by the C of E, while the 'organist from Peterborough' member of the group stood there laughing, until HG showed them his disturbing twitter DM's. 

They expressed concern at his behaviour and asked the managers of the hotel where the group were staying, to move HG to the other side of the hotel, safely away from the abusive man, although she was put on a top floor without a lift and she has a broken spine from previous police violence used to try to silence her over C of E abuse and cover-up; so three flights of stairs were a torture for her. She left quietly and quickly because she was afraid of further police violence against her. 

HG went to commit suicide, but instead came to us, and asked her church to support her in prayer and word, which they did, blessing on them, and went home to resume the normal hellish life that had been destroyed routinely by the actions of the C of E. She was living in unstable and hellish dangerous conditions after the C of E had forced her out of her home by another police attack without charges or explanation. The damage to HG was so severe that she no longer trusted her group of supportive survivors and friends on social media and did not want to endure the jeers of the cruel Stockholm members and she quit social media and was further bereft of support as the C of E continued to destroy her, leaving her seriously injured and homeless. 

The Canterbury Stockhom Syndrome Protest wasn't even the protest HG had expected, it was simply a few Stockhomers expressing themselves silently and unnoticed, exclusive and unwelcoming of anyone outside the core group, a self-interest spree basically, with the effusive fake empathy of church safeguarding officers sent to mop things up as Church PR, , these who advised for HG to be harmed and treated as a pariah, because if her story got into the hands of the news, the C of E would suffer the consequences very severely, that is what most of the violence of the last decade of cover-up have been about, the damage of the reality of HG's case, which must be hidden even if killing her is the only way. Because if the failures and corruptions of the system right up to the Archbishops and the core cover-up team, Bursell, Sloss et al, was really to be exposed, the C of E would suffer lasting damage at a time where they are weaker than they have ever been, and those old men want to keep their lavish and glorified ways of life, dining like kings and telling the government what to do and pretending to be superstars in front of the world's media; it has even been said 'what does one person of no real worth matter as a sacrifice to keep the C of E being seen as a great and Godly institution?' 

The Stockholmers more than failed to safeguard the vulnerable at their protest, they enabled serious harm and nearly caused death. And they are misleading people by being exclusive and self-centred, not operating to include all victims, only those entrenched. 

So their campaign against the C of E is not fully credible. HG had arrived there happy and in hope and trust, thinking that at last there was a glimmer of light,and that she would meet others finally, who knew the evil and the cover-ups she had faced, and was destroyed over again. She had no idea that the protest would be a small Stockholm Syndrome Group who would focus on alcohol when her circumstances and background would make that purely terrifying for her. There were no other females at the 'protest' during the time that she was there, no safeguarding at all. There wasn't a single person who HG could trust, the group even turfed her out of the initial meeting so that they could 'talk privately'. She wasn't welcome. They behaved shockingly and without remorse, buoyed by the C of E's pats on the head. One of the main aims of the Stockholmers is to get a reaction from the C of E of any kind. 

An interesting consideration is, Bob Hill, despite getting many facts wrong, spoke up many times before the violence of the HG case haters felled him, even after a very desperate attempt by the C of E to force him and HG apart in their fight for justice but the C of E couldn't make him out to be insane as they could with a distressed vulnerable adult, so they had a strict 'ignore him' policy where all emails are sent to spam, they are already trying this with me, and they ignored his blogs, letters and calls. But they couldn't make a former police officer of 30 years service and 20 years in government, out to be mad as they did HG. And me? I would say the Stockholm Crowd will happily attack me as they attacked HG, on behalf of their masters in the C of E. They aren't too bothered about the destruction of those who speak on behalf of abuse victims, it's not in their remit. 

Richard Scorer is an abuse lawyer who was among those who scorned HG, refusing to look at her case and using the wrong name for her, a throwback jeer from the C of E whereby HG legally changed her name to try to protect herself from C of E harm, but the C of E, police and others who have harmed HG insist on using her old name even though they found her new name for the sake of tracing and destroying her, which she describes as 'a slap in the face as well as illegal'. Scorer claimed that HG's case wasn't child abuse or in the UK, neither of which were true. What a prat, sue me if you will, Scorer. 

Scorer is a kind of highly paid pet to the Stockholm Syndrome circle, he, as they do, skates over their dear church's faults, gives the Stockholmers  fodder for excited yammering, and recently tried to put Rupert Bursell, one of the Butler-Sloss Core Cover-Up Group in good light to me, much to my astonishment. Bursell, along with Sloss and other similarly conflicted church members, uses legal and judicial positions to protect the C of E and has harmed several vulnerable people with his involvement or failures. When I asked if Bursell's PR lies were not the same as Welby's, same lies, different man, I was assured it wasn't the case. And yet I know Bursell has harmed the vulnerable in his place in the cover-up group. 

Unfortunately my objection set the whole pack of Stockholmers off yapping. As Anglicans, they don't expect anyone else to have an opinion contra to theirs. It is vital that only anglican PR is heard, not dissenters, which is funny because as I said to Baroness Nicholson something along the lines of:

'Here are three C of E articles, with up to 5,000 comments on them, there isn't a single comment in support of the C of E'. 

 And my request on twitter in response to Scorer and the pack to be left alone as I was unhappy, was ignored, especially by Gilo, who started to spam my twitter with C of E dogma papers, articles etc. No means no, from a C of E abuse survivor to the Stockholm Syndrome Group. When an abuse survivor says no, when anyone says no, respect that, or you are no better than those you challenge and speak up about. 

I am suffering deep sadness from being drawn into this in the past few weeks; my life is better without it. You can't defeat what you are part of, and you won't sway me from what I know and experience by drawing me into the C of E environment which I formally renounced to the Archbishop and the Diocese when I left. Although I speak up, I use experience rather than delving deep into the C of E's dogmas and articles myself. I am chilled by even having to go onto a C of E web page, the coldness of whatever Spirit runs the C of E emanates goes very deep. 

While I want change, I am not prepared to compromise to become part of something that I despise or in a group who have harmed victims, in order to see that change. I am not joining any branch of the C of E in order to hold the C of E accountable. 

If any of you Stockholm Guys read this. I don't really want to hear from you any more than I want to hear from Thinking Anglicans, their interest in my work was a blow to me and an insult, and my stomach churns to think of the mini church such as yourselves and your lack of respect for me and others. Sorry to be so blunt but you are a big false hope to some, you are part of what you are challenging. You aren't going to create a significant change when you have linked arms with the likes of Ashenden and Ould or are not willing for dialogue as a two-way thing. Just keep the voiceless in mind as you strive for your own needs. Don't hurt anyone or put them at risk. 

A Tail Note: 

I'm just adding this because someone has just shouted it out and it relates to the Stockholm Syndrome Group. 

Lets call this guy MS. He was an alleged victim of John Smyth. HG didn't know that until she was set upon by the Stockholm Syndrome chaps at Canterbury in 2017, but she certainly knew about him, had met him in fact. 

The reason HG knew MS was that he was heavily involved in the extreme evangelical churches in Jersey. As he is a very high profile religious figure, they are very honoured by his part in their dangerous cult and manipulation games. Which have remained hidden because a lot of the violence from the Jersey Deanery over the HG case was to hide what she reported about this, and it has effectively been covered up. MS was part of the dangerous cult games in that group of churches, where children were made to lay hands on adults or form an archway for adults to crawl through, and much more, basically a paedophile's dream and that was the undercurrent in the Jersey Deanery which has been effectively preserved without any misconduct proceedings because HG was effectively silenced and destroyed.

HG met MS personally when she was sedated because of the abuse of her by churchwarden ER, who was the one who was dismissed from a previous church, under a supervision order, but was protected by the Deanery and his high profile inter-meshed government, law, press, judiciary and other friends and family. Jan Korris tried to make this into HG being insane rather than the proven reality that it is. HG met MS, sedated and in and out of lucidity after she stopped coping because of the level of not just sexual abuse but more prominently, emotional abuse - it is not recorded anywhere that HG's childhood, told in brief in her book: was how she was left vulnerable to what ER did to her. ER regressed her to a childhood state and told the police that the sexual grooming and misconduct that he committed was part of his regression and healing of her. ER was not cleared of abuse, he was simply not convicted. Jersey Police's misconducts in this matter were not recorded by Korris. ER admitted some of his behaviour but as many abusers do, tried to make it out to be something else. 

HG spoke up when ER made it clear that his vicar and wife supported him against her. She knew from ER's boasting that he had abused before, and from his cocky jeering, that he would again. 

At one of the worst Anglican-Evangelical cult churches in Jersey, the one that ER had been dismissed from for misconduct but still hung around, much to the concern of some members, HG was there for a conference, she and friends had attended some services there from early on in her time in Jersey, and her best friend usually attended with her. However, this evening HG was alone, and the churches were already treating her as a pariah for speaking up to the vicar about the abuse. 

HG sat alone at the conference and drifted in and out, whatever she had been prescribed to cope with being regressed to childhood and the severe consequences because of her real childhood, it was too strong for her, and what she needed right then was psychological support, but Jersey Psychological Services turned her and other people diagnosed with autism away, discriminating against the autistic because they could, Jersey being archaic, and with the excuse that 'they had no specialism in autism' (sadly HG was about to see the new autism trained psychologist when the church destroyed her, imprisoned her and left her homeless, she had helped to ensure their installation by speaking on BBC Jersey and in the JEP about the situation). 

As HG sat alone, ER, the abusive churchwarden came to sit with her. HG was still confused and lost, ER had groomed her to love him as the father she had never had, he had taught lavished her with cuddles and attention and she had forcibly broken away from him and his wife, the wife who knew he was a serial abuser and was grooming HG had called her some terrible things and HG had suffered shockingly. But the wife wasn't there, just ER and HG. The conference was a 'healing' seminar by MS.

ER cuddled HG openly as she drifted in and out, she fell into sleep for a while. ER showed no real concern about that, but pulled HG to her feet at one one time, insisting that they joined those going up to MS for 'healing'. 

MS asked HG what was wrong. She told him that she was in agony with her neck. 

At the time, the negligent NHS had never examined HG for injuries stemming from her childhood, they never even recorded her background. And she had suffered injuries as an adult that they had sent her home with painkillers for, leaving her permenantly injured, a common action of the worshipped and revered NHS. HG's neck is severely damaged and will affect her for the remainder of her life. At the time, MS tried to do the cult magic trick of forcibly healing her neck, which was similar if not as appalling as ER trying to forcibly heal her from her childhood, although he did so with a predatory motive. 

In the time around then, 2008/9, HG witnessed MS leading and taking part in dangerous practices in the extreme cult Evangelical Anglican churches in Jersey. She included these in the complaint to Jane Fisher, who took no action and indeed helped the leaders to attack and harm HG. 

In 2017 at Canterbury, one of the Stockholm Syndrome group said to HG that MS was his friend and a survivor of the John Smyth sadism. HG's heart sank as soon as she heard that, as she knew that this wasn't a safe or neutral environment. HG sees MS as an abuser, a predator himself, even if his predation is limited to psychological manipulation and harm of those who are vulnerable through cult evangelical beliefs. And of course he is strongly linked to the abusive and manipulative church group and clergy in Jersey. 

The whole of the HG case is full of high profile confliction of this kind, which wasn't recorded by any 'investigator' or party involved in the case, much less the press, who avoided the facts and simply slaughtered HG. 

This concludes a demonstration of how the Stockhom Syndrome group can't really fight what they are part of very effectively. They show in miniature the same lack of regulation and safety as the Anglican Church. 

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