Tuesday 20 October 2020

A letter to the House of Lords

 Dear House of Lords, 

This is a serious formal complaint.

Several weeks ago, the IICSA report on the Church of England was published. 
The Church of England's response was pitiful. Following the advice of their disaster management firm, Luther-Pendragon, the Archbishops released a 'joint' 'apology' BEFORE the release of the report, making a mockery of the report and the victims. 

The release of the report led to victims being further harmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop of Manchester carrying out glib and misleading interviews about safeguarding, when both men are guilty of cover-up and harming abuse victims and neither are able to respond well to victims. Indeed the Bishop of Manchester is still unable to respond to my safeguarding complaint and as for Justin Welby, hubris is his middle name, he is guilty of serious harm to abuse victims by his active part in cover-ups.

The Church of England's disaster management firm have decided that once the IICSA report was firmly sat upon with all the fake weeping and wailing and characteristic fake sorrow that Welby and his church are known best for and which enrages victims, it is time for business as usual the Church of England way. Find out what public feeling is and try to use it to curry favour for the Church of England. At the expense of all the victims left distressed by the Church of England's response to the IICSA report.

So this week the Church finds everything they can to try to gain favour. John Sentamu, who covered up for abusers and rapists and denied their victims, is carrying out an unchristian act of demanding a seat in the House of Lords and trying to play the race card. His harm to abuse victims should make him so ashamed of himself that he should be keeping his mouth firmly shut, but the Church of England is all about self-glory, and so the ignorant are standing up and wailing about racism, and victims who correct them and mention Sentamu's history of unpunished misconduct are attacked, me included.

But this week's terrible behaviour by the church seems to know no bounds, anything they can virtue signal about, they are virtue signalling about.

Brexit is none of the Church of England's business, their interference is inappropriate, I understand that Welby was removed from his interference in Brexit position, quite rightly because of his insane behaviour, but his sponsors, whether they are from Russia or the UAE or even just his fellow peers, wouldn't have been too happy. Welby's behaviour and interferences in politics indicate that his behaviour is sponsored by someone or some people who want specific outcomes and can pay an old oil baron millionaire enough or is he being blackmailed over his African adventures? And as that has been consistent, I think it should be looked into.

Luther-Pendragon are presumably the ones who look at public feeling and try to gain glory for the Church of England by making them play on public feeling. The Church of England is irrelevant and hated in England, and is of worth for worship to less than 2% of the population, including children being forced to worship because their is no choice of a secular school. The strategy is, to use the culpable, guilty, abuser-protecting Bishops and Archbishops to try to gain admiration and sympathy for the Church of England. Anyone who supports Brexit is more likely to say 'Oh, the good old abuser-protecting hypocritical Bishops and Archbishops, standing up for our rights' when they interfere in Brexit and make a huge shameless show of it to the media who are determined to go on re-abusing the victims of these men publicly and making the victims endure these awful PR shows. 

The same goes for Sentamu and his unchristian desire for a seat of power after a career protecting rapists and harming victims. He wants the general public to pick up his cry of 'racism' when who knows, maybe the government are aware of his horrendous harm to abuse victims, and while they haven't yet removed the rest of the abuser-protectors from the House of Lords, Rowan Williams has removed himself, apparently, and presumably the current Archbishops can be asked to be quiet, have some humility and do the same and take their interfering unelected and undeserved Lords Bishops with them. Because right now, no matter how much victims are attacked by remainers for saying that Brexit is none of the Bishops' business and they have more important things to do such as deal with their continued obstruction to abuse victims and resign, those Bishops, by being in the House of Lords, are effectively being rewarded richly for abuse and misconduct, while their actions are triggering further harm to victims.

The Lords Speaker and Standards have received a number of serious complaints as the Church of England are not properly regulated or held to account elsewhere and are able to use the Lords and Parliament for their own protection when their corrupt and abusive actions should lead to them being prosecuted, charged or otherwise held to account. The Church of England, irrelevant to the UK population and currently consisting of a monster backbone of unaccountable power and a load of failing parish churches, is a body that cannot go on as it does, abusing the general public with their interferences that are eagerly helped along by the terrible UK press, while they have no safeguarding or accountability in place. The IICSA report was a farce that failed to hold them to account and enabled them to do as they do, use abuse as  PR game full of falsehoods and move on, and it is the closest the Anglican Church have ever come to being held to account, and now it is business as usual, using public opinion to curry favour while victims suffer.
The Lords Speaker and Standards are failing to act upon complaints, which makes them guilty of enabling this harm to continue.

Sentamu has no right whatsoever to demand a seat in the House of Lords, and his colleagues should not be behaving as they are in the press, they should be resigning and leaving. 

Stephen Cotterell is not a suitable Archbishop, his misconducts would have prevented him from applying for promotion in a normal decent organization, but he was chosen by Welby because he behaves as Welby does, all PR and show, happy to cover up abuse and harm victims, and to be Welby's nodding dog, always co-signing these men's silly virtue signalling letters to the press, every letter is currently treated as if it was a once-in-a-lifetime event by the press who announce it, presumably this is another Luther Pendragon trick but it is getting ridiculous.
 The situation remains that anyone contacting the Archbishops or Bishops, including David Walker and Jonathan Gibbs, will be studiously ignored, or even blocked, and persistent calls for action and change are treated as 'pestering' or harassment or insanity, as if Victims and the general publichad no right to criticize or call for justice and change, even since the IICSA report. So The virtue signalling, PR stunting, silly Archbishops and Bishops in the house of Lords need to change their priority and instead of the vain efforts to run to the front of wherever the nation is leading to crawl for favour from the nation, they need to address the way they treat the general public and their victims. Living in fortresses and ignoring correspondence doesn't fit well with trying to use current affairs to gain popularity. 

I write this as someone who is against Brexit and the internal market bill, and I write it knowing what Welby and his church are, which not all the general public do, so I and other victims of the church of all kinds, are being attacked by those who the church have managed to mislead over their virtue signalling pretences to gain acclaim over the Brexit situation, because we speak out and say that these guilty senior clergy have other priorities rather than using the general public's feeling to gain favour. This situation should not be happening. A church which reaches only 2% of the population through worship, including the children who they force worship upon, doesn't have any place at all in the Lords, especially when they are simply doing a recovery PR run after the IICSA report which they have basically spat on. Business as usual, the Church of England way, and if the Lords do not address this, they should as a whole be brought into question, especially the Speaker who has been well aware of Justin Welby and John Sentamu's personal serious misconducts for some years. 

This matter is a safeguarding failure, it is an operational failure, it is a systemic misconduct. The House of Lords and the Press should start an inquiry into the impacts of their support of the failed and abusive church of england and their behaviour. The press of the UK are profoundly abusive and subversive and their constant support of the church of england's behaviour as well as their other misleading non-news, should be the subject of an inquiry, their failure to give the church's victims an equal voice and their persistent ignoring of complaints even when their PR articles for the church rack up thousands of negative online comments means that it is time for a new inquiry, a new stage of the Leveson Inquiry perhaps? Newspapers should be for news, not for vain nobodies who have a cult relevant to less than 2% of England to show off that they have undeserved and unearned places in Lords and government and can interfere in any matter that is nothing to do with their 2% cult to suit them while their victims, more than 2% of the population over the decades! Are made to suffer and be re-abused. The Church of England's behaviour in the recent destruction of the UK over this 'virus' should have been their last word, they are of no use to the UK and are being allowed to continue to harm their victims while the Lords are aware of this.

The church of england can choose to have a vested interest in anything that gains them money, power or favour, unregulated and without concern for those who they harm, despite their reach of only 2% of the population through worship, and we didn't elect them, so this must be brought to an end. one could say this is their desperate attempt to avoid being kicked out of the Lords as part of the reform, the general public who they despise can be duped into being on their side. No other Lords abuse the press as much.

There are concerns that the church are trying to build their dying congregation by forcing recruitment in the schools that they still have power over despite their systemic abuses of children, no one should be pressured into a cult that can't safeguard, this situation is so unreal, it simply wouldn't happen in any other modern country, and certain Lords reply to criticism by boasting about the church's 'humble good works', secular organizations do more good work, the gap would close if the abusive church was disposed of, and we wouldn't have the secular organizations boasting all the time in the press or using 'missions' to abuse vulnerable children, one would hope.

I speak for all victims. Sentamu has no right to the Lords, whatever colour, neither do his colleagues, whatever colour. Peerages for abuse is as corrupt as this country gets. Enough is enough. If the press cannot grant the victims they have harmed justice and a voice, they should not be granting the oppressors a voice. Trolls calling me racist, I have no reason to be, abuse caused by anyone of any colour should be punished, and John Sentamu isn't above punishment, I am Jewish and Justin Welby's bipolar attack that led to him making Jesus out to be any race but Jewish came across as antisemitic. But the press didn't report that, only the church's side, not the general public's.

The Church of England have failed to respond to this letter, so have the press. They need to deal with correspondence and be competent in that before any more national press advertising campaigns:
In the meantime, victims wait in silence and suffer these insufferable men.


Mr John Carter

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