Tuesday 28 July 2020

A Letter in response to the news that Justin Welby is under investigation

Dear recipients,

Another week, another drama from the Church of England invading the lives of the general public through the media. Or is this some bizarre parallel universe where wrongdoers investigate themselves in the full glare of the public spotlight?

This one is certainly an elaborately staged drama. The National Safeguarding Team, gatekeepers who have actively worked to cover up the serious misconducts of Justin Welby and senior Bishops and Deans, some of whom remain, are investigating their boss, Justin Welby.
 How contemptible to waste more money and time instead of arranging an impartial investigation, although that has been being said for the seven years of farce investigations that aim to falsify safeguarding and glorify the Church of England. How can the National Safeguarding Team investigate corruption and criminal activity that they have been part of?! The C of E have pulled some fine stunts in the past 7 years but this is beyond a joke and another insult to victims. This one can't be another fake for the IICSA because they are astute enough to know the conflicts of interest.

Do the NST look forward  to losing their jobs for pinning some muck on their Teflon boss? Unlikely, but as most matters of the C of E are vanity and publicity stunts, this one will die down in silence as neither Welby nor his complicit gatekeeper national safeguarding team will be held to account for their years of serious and criminal misconducts. You can't investigate what you have been part of, and the national safeguarding team have been repeatedly highlighted as slandering victims, breaching data, blocking victims from communication about their cases, advising others to ignore victims and making their contact out to be harassment, and more. That is the national safeguarding team who are apparently 'investigating' their boss.

The C of E can't mark their own homework, that was what was stated by a prominent abuse lawyer over the C of E's recent fighting in the press relating to the Oxford case. And it is true, and any ethical or just organization would acknowledge that, and would make sure external investigation was carried out. Unfortunately the C of E only use conflicted investigators from outside and label them as independent, which indicates how dangerous they are to children, the vulnerable, and especially as curators of thousands of schools. The C of E no longer competently manage their affairs, and they seem to think that a persistent show in the media and grabbing headlines over irrelevancies and eccentricities will hide that.

Normally when the press are thrown a bone by the C of E, it is vomited on the general public through every headline, but this current piece is muted, so maybe the C of E can correct it by removing the national safeguarding team and handing the matter to independent inquiry, genuinely independent, not conflicted bodies or nodding dogs, and then the matter can be returned to the press with a bit more pride.


John Carter

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