Saturday 18 July 2020

A Letter to the Jersey Evening Post regarding the Dean of Jersey and Church of England

Additional Notes:

A note on this post, Rob McLoughlin, the journalist regurgitating the foul vomit of Faulkner and his friends, was a States of Jersey employee who worked for and with some of the States figures involved in the cover-up of this case and this further falsehood is his favour to his mates in the States.  Lord Faulkner was conflicted by positions relating to the Church of England and the supervision of the Channel Islands. An additional note is that one of the directors of the company overseeing the Jersey Evening Post (JEP), is the brother of the serial offender who sexually and emotionally abused HG. 


Dear Jersey Evening Post,

While I am aware that you have a history of appalling behavior towards abuse victims, and that you do not handle complaints well. I am writing to complain regarding your article about the former Dean.
Publishing lies by people in power is not appropriate. Although your long history of doing the same with certain members of the States is well  documented, doing the same regarding a peer in the UK who had no right to involvement in the Dean of Jersey case as he did not declare his involvement during the case or respond to the victim's contact of him regarding the matter, and who obviously did not hear both sides of the story, just as you did not publish both sides of the story, is totally unacceptable, especially publishing LIES. 

The victim of the million pounds of whitewash involving many figures of power, including conflicted former Judge Dame Heather Steel, has been abused and abused and abused and abused and abused by your incessant, sadistic, callous and totally unacceptable reporting on this matter. You have abused and abused and abused her, publishing the lies of the powerful incessantly, what you have never done, is publish her side of things. You were among those who published details of the victim, allowing her to be traced, repeatedly attacked, beaten, raped, made homeless - again! And more. You enabled the stars of the Peter Ball cover-up and other cover-ups, Butler-Sloss, Lord Faulkner, and others to have a voice, but not the victim, who suffers severe traumatic shock whenever you publish the rubbish that you publish. And you have been made aware of this, so it is abuse. 

The people of Jersey were NOT dismayed or distressed about the Dean, he took a huge salary and free house and did very little for the island, and advised his clergy to avoid and ignore the victims of Haute de la Garrenne, he was not essential and not liked by all. Many people spoke out and said so and spoke of their horror at the way the Dean's behaviour was covered up, a lot of it never recorded, because for the duration of the million pound whitewash, the victim, HG, had no voice at all, neither the conflicted 'investigators' nor the nasty cowardly and cruel Jersey media and press reported on the victim's side of things, what they did was vilify her on the grounds of a report produced by a church member and counsellor who was unfit for the position and who simply recorded the lies of the defendants - Jane Fisher, Michael and Lou Scott-Joynt, and the clergy and laity in Jersey, neither knowledge or consent was from the victim, who was ruined by the lies. Your actions, and the actions of other press and media outlets could have killed the victim and nearly did, celebrities facing similar smear campaigns have committed suicide, and the vulnerable victim was attacked constantly for years on end because of the lies you published without question or investigation. She lives homeless, as a fugitive, seriously injured and damaged beyond repair, and each disgusting petty repeat of lies by the dignitaries involved in the cover-up, seriously harms her.

Lord Faulkner, unless he was an official part of the inquiry, has no right whatsoever to intervene, and would have needed to declare his role and partiality to the victim when she contacted him about the criminal behaviours both of church and the States, the victim didn't consent to it, just as she didn't consent to Jan Korris, Heather Steel and the guilty-of-serious-misconduct Jersey Police and Safeguarding partnership and their illegal and data breaching actions. Lord Faulkner has no right to make assumptions, he also should not be praising the Archbishop of Canterbury for heading what has been the biggest and nastiest cover-up in the history of the Church of England, one which goes on and on as you go on and on publishing inaccuracies about the case. Many many guilty people reside in positions of power after seriously harming a vulnerable adult, and you are part of that and a testimony to the serious danger to the vulnerable that the unregulated Church of England is.  Lord Faulkner's praise of Justin Welby is ludicrous, Welby whose behaviour is extremely questionable in many cases but in this, using the press and media to publicly destroy a vulnerable adult for three years solid under the guise of a 'safeguarding' should have led to his resignation. Welby is not popular in the UK as he is tearing the Church of England apart, so the simpering praise by Faulkner and the indication that Faulkner and Welby were connected in the million pound public destruction of a vulnerable adult needs to be part of the overarching investigation into this case, by a neutral person, and who is neutral when this case has show the true extension of the Church of England's conflictions? 

You have been asked by the victim to stop publishing lies, inaccuracies and attacks on her on behalf of the Church of England but your response was totally unacceptable, and your failure to safeguard her, a vulnerable adult who had no say in the so-called investigations into her case, your determination to go on and on attacking when she has been utterly ruined, your determination to uphold the former Dean, whose misconducts were never recorded a) because the church prioritised destroying the victim to silence her in 2008-10, b) because the church failed to include her in the conflicted sham and farce and refused to record her story or answer her or the concerned public's complaints at all, and c) because the church destroyed her again to silence her in 2016-18 when she continued to ask for justice. 

For 3 years straight, despite concerted efforts by the church to turn Mr Bob Hill, BEM, against the victim, Mr Hill reported on her case where you didn't and wouldn't:

 In 2015 during a sustained media attack on the victim over the conflicted Heather Steel's report, Mr Hill collapsed because of the stress of his three years of attempting to preserve the victim's life against the lies and hatred that you and other media stirred up. The church then tried to forcibly close the biggest and most serious criminal cover-up in the C of E's history, that you were part of. You helped to fell a good honest man, and you went on and on attacking the victim afterwards with your biased and callous and ignorant reporting, you didn't respond to complaints telling you the harm that you had done, just as Justin Welby and Tim Dakin didn't, of course, until Tim Dakin did as Michael Scott Joynt and Jane Fisher did, tried to make the victim's complaint into a criminal offence and had her violently brutalised and imprisoned, leaving her again seriously injured and homeless as she remains. And still you fail to investigate and record the serious misconducts and conflictions of Heather Steel, the Bailhache Brothers, those peers such as Butler Sloss who is unpunished for her part in the Peter Ball case and was able to interfere in this case as a result, and Lord Faulkner, who was contacted by the victim in 2014, as she asked him for justice, he failed to respond or ensure that her story was heard by him or recorded on the same level as that of the defendants who were  effectively simply enabled by the whitewash, to publicly destroy the victim, and yet Faulkner has acted publicly purely to uphold a man whose behviours were indefensible, and the Archbishop of Canterbury whose actions in this matter amount to criminal offence. Concern is growing regarding the behaviour of the Archbishop and C of E dignitaries, and yet this case is still waiting for justice, full justice including severe punishment of the Jersey Evening Post, Channel ITV, BBC Jersey and the Bailiwick Express, who have not only unfailingly published only what the C of E has produced as if the lies were fact, but denied the victim a voice and published details allowing the victim's name, date of birth, identity, and even location, to be exposed, leading to serious violence against the victim. 
It is noted that all senior Clergy and others involved have not said a word about this serious safeguarding failure. 

The horrendous abuse of power by the C of E is not undocumented, and yet this deceitful illusion that the behaviour of Welby or Key were acceptable, is incomprehensible. To claim that a conflicted whitewash by those in the wrong and their colleagues was a safeguarding investigation WHILE Lord Faulkner, Justin Welby, Tim Dakin and others ALLOWED the murderous press onslaught of lies and assumptions based on the defendants' and their friends' views is one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in history. The involvement of Lords, Peers, conflicted Judges and others in this matter has not been investigated, which is a protracted and very serious safeguarding failure, and each new attack on the victim over this unresolved and very serious safeguarding failure is a new safeguarding failure, by you, by Justin Welby, Tim Dakin, Sloss, Faulkner, Steel, and all involved in a horrific 'public attempted murder'. It is noted that you have refused comments for your article, because, you know that the general public are not of the same opinion that Lord Faulkner considers them to be of. It is time for Lord Faulkner and Baroness Butler-Sloss, Mark Hedley, the National Safeguarding Team and everyone involved in this matter to be placed under investigation. And although this is addressed to you as abusers of HG, it will also be forwarded to IPSO as HG has already repeatedly referred this to you, and also subsequently to IPSO, without you ceasing your abuse. 

In the recent event of the Oxford College Safeguarding Debacle, which was flung into the press in a very similar nasty way, two members of the panel were made to resign as they were conflicted. This case has been under more scrutiny because it relates to Oxford University, but the million pound murder by Jersey, Winchester and Canterbury, faced no neutral scrutiny and no intervention. HG contacted everyone, from Faulkner to the Queen, from every safeguarding board in the country to every police force, the Lords, the States of Jersey, but no one protected her wellbeing, not a single person, indeed the National Safeguarding Team breached data as gatekeepers, and made her out to be mad for doing this, and THAT is the extent of this safeguarding failure of which you are part. You and all other media, were contacted, and you persisted sadistically in harm. Oxford is certainly making the C of E look bad, but it is not in the lawless unregulated Jersey, it does not involve a vulnerable adult being publicly murdered for perceived crimes, and it is scrutinised enough to make the usual conflicted defence of the C of E have to step down. HG's story has not been heard by a single court, judge or police officer involved, not a single press, not a single safeguarding official. No, these have actively silenced her, in a case reminiscent to that of Melanie Shaw, an abuse victim who was strategically silenced and imprisoned, ruined. And this is all from the supposed 'State Church' whose actions recently are causing the loss of congregation with alarming rapidity, and yet, their position of confliction and abuse of power is upholding them in these crimes that you are party to, as their congregation leaves. This is the Church that uses the Name of Jesus or God, and who have Bibles with the parable of the Lost Sheep and 'Let He who is without Sin cast the first Stone'. During HG's first stint on the streets, the 3 years, she was told by Catholics that her sins were between her and God and that the Church of England's actions were wickedness, she had not at the time faced the onslaught from 2013 onwards, but she was provisionally baptised Catholic, confessed her sins in full, and was annointed and confirmed You then became part of the violent incessant attack that destroyed her again. 

The efforts to force a terrified and shamed and broken vulnerable adult into the classifications a) insane and b) troublemaker, show the very depths of the danger that the Anglican church are to the vulnerable, especially when Jane Dodds, Moira Murrary, Graham Tilsby, and others on the 'National Safeguarding Team' played an active part in this in order to protect the wrongdoers in senior positions; the psychopathy of branding a victim of serious child abuse who was drawn into the church because of her escape from that and her vulnerability, is beyond horror. She still isn't insane, she is destroyed, she is not a troublemaker, she never learned to relate well to people, didn't have a chance, between childhood and church. And surely as Justin Welby uses 'mental illness' as yet another attention-seeking stunt for himself, he and his church have no right to label someone with trauma is 'insane' or encourage the police, press and conflicted dignitaries to do the same? 
HG wrote and wrote in the hope of being heard, and instead the church illegally paid a 'forensic psychologist' to 'advise to ignore her' as an excuse to throw her away silenced, this is a very serious matter and must be addressed before any further victims die, HG is not the only victim who has been subjected to the Church of England under Welby closing them down this way.
Do you think any victim anywhere should be silenced because a 'safeguarding team' are unwilling or opposed to dealing with their employers who are effectively the abusers? It is a terrifying concept and a life has been ruined. The poisonous callousness of the C of E's safeguarding, from Winchester's Diocesan safeguarding to the national safeguarding team, matches the toxic environment of the peers and dignitaries, the Bishops and laity, the money and power people and the middle class congregants who profess to care while their prejudice and ignorance shines through. The repeat releases to the press about this case at the expense of the victim are a serious safeguarding failure, and it is time for people to be held to account, from you to Faulkner and Welby to Hancock, Butler to Sloss, and Dakin to Bailhache. 

It doesn't matter what stories have been spread to make HG look mad, bad, violent or anything else, the stories are only from the C of E and its protectors and associates, they are not the victim's story, which remains waiting to be told in full, although if Tim Dakin had been successful in the further attempt to violently silence her, the Church of England would have rejoiced at never being held accountable. This woman, diagnosed as autistic by the Maudlsey Hospital in 2005, although concerted efforts were made to Fisher, Steel and Korris deny the diagnosis in order to discredit her, spoke up about two serial abusers, one of whom was being protected by his wife despite destroying his daughter, the other of whom was being protected by clergy and laity in Jersey, who failed to either warn HG or protect her, instead blaming her for the abuse, Bob Key told her in person that the abuse had not occured, and tried to vilify her on the defence of the abusers and those protecting them, using her 'past' which had been rewritten by the C of E. This isn't in any report. And yet it can't be denied. Jan Korris, for example, for no reason other than Fisher's vindictiveness, wrote out lies about the victim being 'unforgiving' over her youth leader being arrested for paedophilia. Even if it was the case, it had nothing to do with the case and was simply a slur, the other similar stories, rumours, which didn't include the victim's side of things, she did not consent to the Korris report nor was made aware of it until her friends and community rejected her when they heard about it, and yet you are publishing an unrelated man singing the praises of the former Dean and saying he was treated badly. This is a very terrible judgement on the Church of England, to continue to publicly uphold those guilty of serious misconduct, while the victim is homeless, seriously injured and anguished. She has now suffered almost two decades of the Church of England's lack of safeguarding, their conflicted and criminally compromised judges and peers, their callousness and lack of understanding of safeguarding and the vulnerable, and you have proudly acted in the interests of the C of E throughout. 

Faulkner is mistaken about Welby's 'Gracious apology', Welby spits out fake apologies according to his PR scripts pretty much every week, it wasn't gracious, it was a show, a show to make Welby look good, while the victim nearly committed suicide over your and others' biased and nasty cover-up of the attempt to close down the million pound whitewash after HG took an injunction against the Bishop of Winchester, which he was in contempt of court over when he lied in the same press release of May 2016 and claimed to be witholding the Steel report for 'the victim's welfare' ie he discredited HG again rather than tell the world that he had allowed a vicious conflicted judge to threaten to publicly call a vulnerable adult a psychopathic criminal, which is what conflicted Heather Steel did, without of course, meeting HG or hearing her story, because Steel and her friends in peerage and the Jersey Deanery, States and Judiciary, had one purpose, covering up the matter, without declaring conflicts of interests or checking the conflicts of those put forward as 'witnesses' on a small island where many knew the 'respected' clergy, judiciary, states members etc involved. The laity of the church also had considerable money and influence. And yet, your journalism doesn't scratch the surface, it has remained one-track in support and defence of the indefensible. 

You haven't questioned anything about what you have published, not even that 'withdrawal' of action against the Bishop by Faulkner. You haven't shown any compassion for the victim who you helped to destroy, you haven't at any point investigated when facts were sent to you by Bob Hill and the victim and others, you even cut short a letter by Mr Hill, making the point lost, your behaviour in this matter has been as accomplices to abusers, and those dignitaries, from the Vicars who actively protected the abusers, to the Bishops, Archbishops, laity, safeguarding, and conflicted judges, police and peers, are abusers, they are guilty of severe misconduct, abuse, the national safeguarding team, instead of addressing this prolonged and severe abuse by the senior clergy and peers, added to HG's anguish, tried to justify her horrendous brutal and murderous destruction that included you, and when she refused to be silent and do as they wished, they illegally, yet again, breached the data protection act and paid for 'professional advice' to ignore her, and they spread that advice around, breaking the law throughout, and left her forcibly silenced, except that she wasn't, and that is why they had her violently brutalised, in the fragile condition that she was in, seriously injured, and violently driven from her new home, community, work and friends, which she fought to keep throughout this ordeal. She remains homeless, destroyed and injured, and will never recover. Throughout the very serious harm in which you were part, she begged and begged for the public attack to stop, and explained her heart and lung conditions to the Bishop of Winchester and police and others, and was ignored. This matter of which you are part, is the biggest safeguarding failure in history, and all that the self-interested and corrupt peers who act in the Church of England's interests can do is pity a man who actively destroyed an abuse victim, with you amplifying that absolutely evil and open misconduct? 

Throughout the horrendous farce, HG begged the police to protect her from what was effectively illegal and abuse, the public destruction of her life and character, she begged and begged and explained that her heart and lungs and other health issues were being put under intolerable stress. This woman had never been in other trouble from the police despite her background described in 'Stepping out of the Circle' one of her books, she had tried to lead an honest life, worked for a low wage, trusted God, which led to the predators gaining access to her through the church, didn't drink, smoke, steal, do drugs, she lived with disability and psychological injuries that triggered her fury at the abuse and cover-ups, and yet all involved have been able to destroy her, in ignorance either deliberate or just the Anglican middle class culture, or pure nastiness, for example Terri Bond's vindictive and untruthful attack that you published even though the Bonds and their friends have still not faced action. Even during and after the main horrendous destruction, the victim went on and on trying to live a normal life, hounded from one home to another by the public battle, and struggling to work, sometimes unable to, because of the damage, until the violent repeat destruction of her life by the Bishop of Winchester and his staff and family, because she begged them for justice. And Faulkner whines about a Dean who has not been publicly held to account but privately removed with a terrible show in the press of his 'resignation' and who is able to live a normal life while the victim is not, she lives in terror, the next police beating of so many, with lies read out and no question or discipline for the police who failed to protect her but instead destroyed her for the people who she asked protection from.
All of this in broad daylight while the authorities looked on or enabled the church. The Police are guilty of very serious misconduct, and their behaviours in using severe violence against a terrified autistic woman and jeering at her, repeating the unchallenged lies of the church and not recording her story, are part of the culture that has had a tip exposed by the recent violences and offences against Black people, that behaviour although universal, has also been done for the Church of England as part of this power-heavy massive cover-up.

The recent concerns about the unregulated C of E and their behaviour have been strong, and yet, instead of you behaving like a genuine newspaper, instead of you doing journalism, asking questions, you TOOK PART IN THIS, and IT IS ABUSE. And if you or any peer or Bishop or Archbishop takes part in such very serious and life-changing abuse, you will do in other cases, the Haute de la Garrenne case of course being an example where you did. I seem to recall a suicide as a result? 
Lord Faulkners inappropriate interference in this matter and his favour of the Dean publicly in the house of comons, and his favour of the extremely guilty Archbishop, indicates his unfitness for office and his outstanding lack of ability to analyse or see both sides, no impartiality, no professionalism, no regard for the victim as he wails his sorrow for a millionaire abuser who was given full legal representation and the support of conflicted States Members and judiciary within the church throughout while the victim was not provided with representation by the Church of England and was left to write, in anger and terror and collapse, a blog that the C of E tried to have her convicted over, even though she was simply answering in the only way she could, their/your horrendous depraved public attack on her. 
All 'Church' related abuse survivor charities in the UK are conflicted by C of E members, and the C of E pervade all authorities and agencies, HG was left with nowhere for support, nowhere safe to turn, losing friends, work, community and life as this has gone on relentlessly with the cruel twist that her childhood was enough to cripple her life and relationships without this extreme cruelty, until Justin Welby and Tim Dakin and the 'National Safeguarding Team' forcibly expelled her from society 2 years ago for going on begging them for justice and a voice, three years after she rehabilitated herself from the streets because of the first effort and tried to gain a new life, the violences cost her her degree but she still owed the student loan, they treated her worse than a rapist or murderer and have left her destroyed and without life, and let Key leave under the illusion of a respectable resignation, and you have taken part in it all. Human rights are treat with total contempt here, safeguarding is absent, and even humanity is dead in the sheer cruelty, injustice and dishonesty of this abuse. 

Lord Faulkner and yourselves, in this abuse of power, haven't reported on any of the criminal actions of the Church of England from their positions of power in the Lords and from the safety of behind their lawyers and their expensive disaster management firm, Luther Pendragon; no sign of the list of criminal activities and data protection breaches encompassing the States of Jersey, Jersey Judiciary, Lawyers, PR firms, clergy and laity, is Lord Faulkner completely without intelliegnce, or purely and openly complicit in upholding very serious and criminal misconduct? You haven't reported on the lack of accountability by the Church of England, where they, to the point of murder, could attack a vulnerable adult and drive her to death, with repeats of that abuse such as yours and Faulkner's. No, you really are a very terrible newspaper, reflecting the terrible state of lack of regulation in Jersey that was pointed out by the Care Inquiry, who raised the fact that people, including HG, made complaints and those complaints were not processed. HG complained about the abuses of power and defamation of her by Ian Gorst, who remains in a position of responsibility despite his serious misconduct, also the Bailhache Brothers, Jersey Police, social services  and Safeguarding Partnership for serious misconduct and data breaches, Autism Jersey who breached data, judiciary conflicted by the C of E and abusing their power in the case and more. You are part of the 'Jersey Way' which harms and kills the vulnerable, and you are a disgrace. You are part of the unregulated 'Jersey Way'. Which is mirrored by the 'Church of England Way' the broad daylight sadism and injustice that is known to be suffered by residents of Jersey. And of course, Faulkner himself was an active part of it all for long time, and as it was highlighted by the Care Inquiry, Falkner's audacity in defending the Jersey Way and the serious and criminal abuses, beggars belief as much as your proud parroting does. 

You repeatedly parrotted Willmott on his lies about the state of safeguarding in Jersey, with no proof, no figures, no reason, pure PR. And this harmed the victim further, the C of E held social 'safeguarding lunches' as a show, and no lessons were learned as not only was HG still destroyed and homeless, but Willmott was involved in a number of safeguarding incidents in Jersey and elsewhere that were never investigated. Now, as the PR you publish for the Anglicans is without proof, and my letter is evidenced throughout, why don't you publish my letter? Not conveniently cropped as Mr Hill's was. 

 You have a duty of care and safeguarding responsibility, and each time you publish lies about the million pound whitewash and the Church of England, you abuse and seriously harm the victim. Time for a new editor maybe? Time for an IPSO investigation into years and years of lack of journalism, and biased reporting. The behaviour of the Church of England in full public view is farcical and hypocritical and quite simply, evil, from peers who harm abuse victims and are not disciplined by The Lords, to Archbishops and Bishops the same, an unaccountable, dangerous and abusive organisation, after your own hearts, but not acceptable in this day and age. HG will never in her lifetime be able to recover from the sustained and serious harm to her, her life is to be shortened by the aggravation of medical conditions if she isn't killed by the police who the Church of England still intend to silence her with, without her story ever being heard in full. 


Mr John Ian Carter, 

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A letter regarding Paula Vennells, Justin Welby and the Church of England

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