Wednesday 16 September 2020

Daily Telegraph Letter

Dear Daily Telegraph,

If I receive anything from you in my inbox that announces Justin Welby virtue signalling and currying favour from the general public again, I will cancel my subscription.

Welby's resignation has been expected year after year, but like Boris Johnson, he will go on and on, feeling no responsibility for the harm he has done. Unlike Boris, when Welby lapses his bipolar medication, his rants and shrieks fill the press, even though nothing he says is news. Boris remains constant while the Welby circus show is obvious attention seeking or mental health lapses.

We already have a double bill of slurry splattering lined up, quite a big one, from Welby and friends, with their synod and the carefully censored and repeatedly compromised iicsa report coming up.

Welby usually shrieks when he wants to hide the church's misdemeanors. Presumably the failure to act on Ian Elliott's safeguarding report? Anyone who publishes the disgraced but refusing to leave archbishop is aiding him in his bad behavior, he should be long gone but he has no conscience.

Bishop Jonathan Gibbs and the Bishops of Bristol and Southampton have failed absolutely in safeguarding, their response to my complaint or lack of it has been appalling, their failure to curb Welby while he's under investigation for his failure and thus distressing his victims by his press slurry is inexcusable.

Why should I or anyone be distressed by this leech greedily suckling the general public when the nation is in distress? Please report on his misconduct or don't report. The Telegraph have received complaints already and should act accordingly.

I am sure that you are aware that your articles on Welby and his dying church elicit thousands of angry comments but the state church are in a state where they go on behaving like this despite public anger. So do the telegraph. The charlatan archbishop couldn't care less about the people, he used the crisis as attention seeking and provided nothing for the flock. His sudden reawakening, run out of medication? Or just because of the upcoming iicsa report? 

In 2013 the Telegraph aided Welby in flinging the case of a vulnerable adult into the press as a glory stunt for Welby; the result was that the vulnerable adult was traced, beaten, raped, left homeless and attacked repeatedly, unprotected by the church's conflicted authorities, and publicly destroyed by the Lords, Lawyers, Judges and other powerful people on the defendants team. Neither the Telegraph nor Welby have apologized, indeed, Welby gave the order to the corrupt police for the victim to be beaten and imprisoned in 2018 when she persisted in speaking up instead of dying condemned and branded as appeared to be the plan. No one could survive such hatred. The victim is homeless and seriously injured.

Jonathan Gibbs, the new PR Bishop who makes the pretences on safeguarding like Paul Butler did, using the press to make atrocities into adverts for the church, as seen in the Oxford case, has received the complaint from me and has tried to refer it to a conflicted member of the archbishops council. 

I am among the complainants against the archbishops council whose treatment of abuse victims is sadistic and archaic, they played a major part in the matter mentioned above. Gibbs has committed a serious misconduct in referring a complainant to the people complained about, and obviously the complaint now has to be escalated and referred back. While such things continue, there should be no headlines from the archbishop; an honourable man would be silent while he's under the formal complaints regarding harm to abuse victims.

 The church of England do not need a month of sickly PR run starting today, they need to wind their necks in after the Oxford farce showed them up and wasted money needed for their struggling parishes and clergy. 

Welby and his council do not care about their clergy and the general population, when they pretend to, they are in danger of drawing innocent people into the church if the pretences are believed and if any churches are open, and those people will suffer the bullying and abuse that the church is increasingly known for.

The C of E won't even safeguard their own people, and they have a policy to treat the vulnerable detrimentally and as a liability for their insurers, so Welby, having the brass neck to remain, with his history in Africa, the Smyth case, the Jersey and Winchester case, and more, should keep his loud and aimless mouth firmly closed, his massive ego and desperation for attention can be met in other ways than abusing the general public's feelings when he thinks it will gain him favour. 

Welby is obviously not well, he wouldn't stay in his position if he had a clear mind and normal conscience.  He could gain acclaim by going on one of those fake shows where people are made to eat bugs, those faux celebrities gain the fame he craves. And his sickening pretences wouldn't be a nuisance any more.

Finally let me remind you of my letter during Welby's last episode of mental loss of control.


Mr John Carter

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