Monday 5 October 2020

Response to the Anglican Church's Response to the IICSA report so far

 Dear Press and Media Outlets, 

It is important that you are aware that publishing only the Church of England's response to the IICSA report, as you are doing already, is an insult to victims and further harm to those silenced and denied justice by the church.

For 7 or 8 years now the Church of England have endured routine falsehoods about safeguarding, false apologies and false reports from the Church of England via the media and newspapers. 

Nothings shrieks falsehood more loudly than 'apologizing in advance' and repeating the vague falsehoods of huge compensation sums and care already falsely raised in February as a PR stunt, but being unable to explain how, if safeguarding isn't improved and victims who have been forcibly silenced by the church are not reached, this show money is going to make any difference.

It is sad to see that the new safeguarding Bishop, Jonathan Gibbs, and his associate safeguarding Bishops are as ineffectual and PR focused as the previous so-called 'safeguarding bishops'. I made a serious formal complaint to Jonathan Gibbs and the associated Bishops some months ago and despite it being a safeguarding emergency, a vulnerable adult seriously harmed from criminal misconduct by the Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior figures, the response has been appalling. Gibbs himself has tried to fob me off, while the others have failed to respond at all. And yet they have time to try to gloss over the current dangerous mess that the church of England is in response to survivor Gilo: (seaofcomplicity.bog) speaking up about the situation.

The church of England continues as it always has, to treat abuse as irrelevant except when it affects the church's image, then their cruel and psychopathic attitude to victims is glossed over and they scramble eagerly for press attention and fake but desperate apologies and protestations about safeguarding improving that harm the victims who they are refusing justice to.

The Church of England provide fully for abusive priests, from legal support to housing and pension. Each clergyman who is convicted knows that they have a comfortable future, unlike their victims who may never live a full life. This support of rapist clergy, having gone on for decades on end, has amounted to far more paid out to offenders than the church of England are pretending to offer to victims. As ever, when the church virtue signal and pretend to carry out virtuous and altruistic projects, the press slurry sprays it all over the suffering victims of the church, and the outcomes, the results, are never heard of, the victims, their voices of no worth to the press who print the church's lies without question, go on shouting as loud as they can, and are barely heard. Many many victims have no voice at all, and some are even afraid to speak, seeing how others have been crucified.

The church are making excuses about helping victims in 'distressed circumstances' while they provide for all paedophile and rapist clergy, but the excuses and loopholes regarding the compensation scheme will leave many victims without help, including the victim who Justin Welby had publicly destroyed with the help of the press and media and cronies in judiciary, law, Lords, police and others, the case that Jonathan Gibbs and his colleagues apparently daren't even respond to emails about. Many victims, those forcibly silenced by the church and accused of insanity, harassment or pestering for persisting in asking for justice in a distressed state and being denied it for the sake of the church's image or because their abusers weren't convicted, are unlikely to receive anything, and their suffering will be intolerable as the compromised IICSA report is used as a PR slurryfest by the C of E, who love to turn their shame, scandal, crimes and corruption into limelight and fake remorse.

Baroness Butler-Sloss and Fiona Woolf, both Anglican Church dignitaries and in the case of Butler-Sloss, guilty of harming abuse victims to protect the C of E, were allowed to lead and compromise the IICSA inquiry and access evidence, leading to victims not believing that the inquiry would bring justice. Not a murmur was made by the C of E or press about these conflicts. Why didn't the profusely false apologizing Bishops and Archbishops act swiftly on this for the sake of the inquiry's integrity, as it is, some believe that the report will be a whitewash, and some Anglican victims have personally been hurt by the inquiry. But the statutory fake apologies have to be rolled out, and Mr Welby actually seems to enjoy such things, self-flagellating with glee in front of everyone, which creepily reminds me of the Smyth case.

As I said before the recent synod, this is going to be an incredible slurryfest for the church in the press. An extra synod strategically placed just before the IICSA report, what new lies can the church cook up to try to take the attention off the reality of the report?
It was a bit of a feeble one, the repeat of February's false boasts about recompense and care for victims, the only addition really, was that because victims have brought a complaint against the Archbishop's council for their barbaric behaviour towards abuse victims, and that complaint is aimed towards the Charities Commission, the Archbishop's Council were strategically to look as if they voted unanimously in favour of the compensation and care move. Funny isn't it? These men have shown utter hatred and contempt for victims and have taken part in cover-ups that have destroyed victims, and suddenly, for the sake of the media reaction, they all care very much.
Not enough to refrain from nasty attacks on their own clergy in the letters column of the Telegraph because they felt threatened by what was written about the diminishing congregation, not enough to personally apologize to the victims they have harmed, and resign, but enough to 'be seen' by the press, showing off the pre-arranged 'unanimous' vote for something already arranged in February for the last synod's PR, but the press don't question the church nor do they print the other side of the story, our side, the victims' side, the side of those the church has harmed, the side of the many of us who have had to leave the church of England because of the serious corruption and abuse of power. The press have a short memory indeed, to keep printing conflicting outbursts by Welby.

In the event of the safeguarding bishops failing to respond well to the case of Justin Welby and other senior clergy's serious and criminal harm to a vulnerable adult, I referred the case to the new Archbishop of York, he used his own serious misconduct in an abuse complaint as his opening PR show as Archbishop as is becoming standard with clergy, they enter office with an apology that is supposedly to gain them favour, even though it is inconceivable, but the new Archbishop received my complaint and was obliged to act upon it. When I wrote later, having not received a response, he had blocked my email. The previous Archbishop of York and the ongoing assistant, Daphne Green, were involved in the complaint I made and would need to be investigated too. So a change of management brings no change in attitude.

The congregation of the church of England is down to the size of a large cult. They have no genuine safeguarding but work according to archaic rules that state that the vulnerable are an insurance liability and a risk. The C of E spam the press relentlessly with virtue signalling, falsehoods about safeguarding, and their interference in politics. No other denomination or religion in the UK is even allowed to abuse the papers and media this way. Or is it that the press refuse to give them the opportunity? Every whim, fancy or lie by the church of England is published without question. And the press slurry about the IICSA report began on synod week, so victims are having to endure a very long run of the publicity that causes them so much distress. Tomorrow's major outpouring of falsehood by the Church of England may kill some victims who know that as the falsehoods continue, they will remain without justice.

For years, Justin Welby and Bishops led a public character assassination against a vulnerable adult who had been abused by two serial abusers in the C of E, one of the abusers had been sacked from official positions at one church, only to be moved to another, with his powerful legal, judicial and government friends supporting him, and had been in a position to abuse this vulnerable adult as a result. The other serial abuser was a magistrate, also well connected. Neither men paid for the abuse, Justin Welby made the victim pay, by allowing all the powerful friends of the defendants to destroy her publicly, in the unquestioning and eager press and media. The victim was presumably supposed to suicide and be labelled as insane under such onslaught because even strong people can't survive such violence, but went on fighting for justice and a voice, so she was accused of 'harassment' and subjected to violent police assault and imprisonment and left homeless and seriously injured, as she remains while Welby keeps up his vanity shows.
 Most people wouldn't survive these matters but they are the very tip of the iceberg in this story. The vilification of the victim remains in archived press and media and occasionally a repeat attack on the victim is launched. The press and media onslaught led to physical attacks on the victim which destroyed her life over and over. The Church of England's safeguarding leads even encouraged other victims and the two conflicted 'church abuse' charities, while Macsas and 31:8, undeclared as run by church of england safeguarding members to protect the C of E, also played a strong part. 

Justin Welby and Stephen Cotterel, with all their fake apologies, are failing to take responsibility for this. Jonathan Gibbs and the Bishops of Southampton and Bristol are failing to act on what is a safeguarding emergency and a case that involves criminal actions by senior clergy and authorities influenced by the church. The Bishop of London often reminds victims of how there is no safe place for victims of the church to turn, as she advertises herself leading services for NHS, Police, Judiciary and more, making sure that those wronged by the church know just where they stand, and of course many victims do find out the hard way that reporting C of E misconduct will lead to harm to them from the authorities and malicious misreporting, as happened with the victim mentioned above and others such as Theresa Cooper found out. None of this will be mentioned in the PR slurry from the church in response to the IICSA report, which is why I am mentioning it. Even a small voice in reply is a voice. Justin Welby's effusive empty apologies which he has trotted out routinely for years and had published, even though a published apology is a stunt and not a directed apology to the party concerned, are so hypocritical considering what he has done.

The matter of John Smyth, Justin Welby has changed his story on that unquestioned by the press, and has seriously failed victims to the point of being under investigation, but the press and authorities are silent, he has included the Smyth victims in the fake apologies for the press, but as with the previous matters, he has failed to take responsibility for his actions and inactions; in fact one thing Justin Welby seems unable to do, is take responsibility for himself or even look at himself and his bizarre behaviour. His tenure as archbishop has been a disaster, people have abandoned the church in droves, his frequent silly and offensive press releases shouldn't even be published, and as he is under investigation for even just one of his misconducts, which the media have been muted about, he should be suspended at very least, and not distressing victims with more false sorrow. 

But the press don't question this, let alone print it. The press printed the new Archbishop of York's PR stunt apology for his misconduct, but he shouldn't have been installed under such a cloud, it makes the church of England worthless. And his subsequent refusal to deal with Welby's misconduct when the new and already failed safeguarding bishops refused, compounds the air of total futility and falsehood that the Church of England's lifeline press and media presence displays. 

It is overused but Jesus told His disciples 'Do such as this unseen', and this week we have seen a real charm offensive from the church in the media ahead of the IICSA, worse than usual, blatant virtue signalling and pretences of care to poor and vulnerable groups from the elderly millionaire Bishops in their palaces. Without the press, what would be left? Dying parish churches and the monsters of the Lambeth Palace and Church House corporation. The corporation is operating under false pretences, using the Name of Jesus for a money and power game and endless harm to the vulnerable. 
The press can and should help victims by bringing the PR to an end and giving the church of England the choice of returning to Christ or disbanding. The C of E have no right to offend the nation with their hogging of the press for irrelevancies and falsehoods.

tiredly and sincerely, 

John Ian Carter

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